Bumps charts archive

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Stats for May Bumps, Women, across 48 years: 1974 to 2023

Number of headships:

62Pembroke, Churchill
52Downing, Newnham
42Clare, Emmanuel
32Caius, New Hall
22LMBC, Trinity Hall

Crews from each club:

71Jesus (1986)
69Girton (1979), Girton (1980), Newnham (1983), Jesus (1985), Clare (1985), Jesus (1987), LMBC (1988), Girton (1989), Clare (1989)
535... , LMBC (1999), Jesus (1999), Jesus (2000), New Hall (2004), Jesus (2005), Pembroke (2006), Jesus (2006), Emmanuel (2009), Emmanuel (2013), Caius (2022)
4127... , Clare (2019), Jesus (2019), Emmanuel (2022), Clare (2022), Jesus (2022), Emmanuel (2023), Caius (2023), Newnham (2023), Clare (2023), Jesus (2023)
3343... , LMBC (2022), Peterhouse (2022), Pembroke (2023), Hughes Hall (2023), Trinity Hall (2023), St Catharine's (2023), Queens' (2023), Churchill (2023), LMBC (2023), Peterhouse (2023)
2502... , Wolfson (2023), Christ's (2023), Downing (2023), 1st and 3rd (2023), Girton (2023), Murray Edwards (2023), Magdalene (2023), Lucy Cavendish (2023), Corpus Christi (2023), Homerton (2023)
1306... , Wolfson (2022), Clare Hall (2022), Selwyn (2022), Robinson (2022), St Edmund's (2022), Clare Hall (2023), Selwyn (2023), Vet School (2023), Robinson (2023), St Edmund's (2023)

Blades awarded: 388

... , Corpus Christi W2 (2019), Newnham W1 (2022), Christ's W1 (2022), Trinity Hall W1 (2022), Lucy Cavendish W1 (2022), Sidney Sussex W1 (2022), Caius W2 (2022), Pembroke W3 (2022), Queens' W3 (2022), Caius W3 (2022), Emmanuel W4 (2022), Peterhouse W2 (2022), Jesus W1 (2023), Churchill W1 (2023), Trinity Hall W1 (2023), St Catharine's W1 (2023), Queens' W1 (2023), King's W1 (2023), Sidney Sussex W1 (2023), Jesus W2 (2023), Wolfson W1 (2023), Trinity Hall W2 (2023), Queens' W3 (2023), Caius W3 (2023), Hughes Hall W2 (2023)

Number of crews:

8941986, 1987, 1988, 1989
7772004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2019, 2023
6913... , 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018
6661983, 1984, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995
6322014, 2015
4521980, 1981

Each set outcome:

+111Sidney Sussex W3 (2009)
+92Magdalene W1 (1991), Darwin W1 (1998)
+86Downing W1 (1982), CCAT W1 (1983), 1st and 3rd W2 (1986), Robinson W2 (1992), Christ's W2 (1993), 1st and 3rd W2 (1993)
+711... , Christ's W2 (1983), Peterhouse W1 (1986), Churchill W4 (1986), Sidney Sussex W2 (1992), Emmanuel W2 (1994), St Edmund's W1 (2008), Magdalene W2 (2013), Churchill W2 (2016), Wolfson W2 (2016), Churchill W2 (2022)
+633... , Emmanuel W4 (2006), Emmanuel W3 (2007), Christ's W2 (2010), Christ's W3 (2010), Jesus W2 (2014), Corpus Christi W1 (2016), Clare Hall W1 (2016), Hughes/Lucy W2 (2017), St Catharine's W3 (2017), St Edmund's W2 (2019)
+550... , Selwyn W3 (2011), Christ's W3 (2012), Emmanuel W4 (2013), Queens' W2 (2014), Jesus W2 (2015), Magdalene W1 (2016), Caius W2 (2016), Homerton W2 (2017), Peterhouse W2 (2022), Hughes Hall W2 (2023)
+4308... , St Catharine's W1 (2023), Queens' W1 (2023), King's W1 (2023), Sidney Sussex W1 (2023), Jesus W2 (2023), Wolfson W1 (2023), Trinity Hall W2 (2023), Queens' W3 (2023), Caius W3 (2023), Sidney Sussex W2 (2023)
+3402... , 1st and 3rd W2 (2022), LMBC W1 (2023), Selwyn W1 (2023), Pembroke W2 (2023), Hughes Hall W1 (2023), Newnham W3 (2023), Magdalene W2 (2023), Emmanuel W4 (2023), LMBC W3 (2023), Churchill W3 (2023)
+2292... , Caius W1 (2022), Selwyn W1 (2022), Emmanuel W3 (2022), Jesus W4 (2022), Hughes Hall W2 (2022), Clare W3 (2023), Churchill W2 (2023), 1st and 3rd W2 (2023), Peterhouse W2 (2023), Hughes Hall W3 (2023)
+1292... , Clare W2 (2022), Hughes Hall W1 (2022), Clare W3 (2022), Fitzwilliam W2 (2022), Peterhouse W3 (2022), Peterhouse W1 (2023), LMBC W2 (2023), Homerton W2 (2023), Christ's W2 (2023), Girton W2 (2023)
+0320... , St Catharine's W2 (2022), Murray Edwards W2 (2022), Caius W4 (2022), Caius W1 (2023), Magdalene W1 (2023), Corpus Christi W1 (2023), Robinson W1 (2023), Vet School W1 (2023), Wolfson W2 (2023), Newnham W4 (2023)
-1266... , Downing W1 (2022), Homerton W1 (2022), Robinson W1 (2022), Queens' W2 (2022), Newnham W3 (2022), Murray Edwards W1 (2023), Clare W2 (2023), St Edmund's W1 (2023), St Catharine's W2 (2023), Jesus W4 (2023)
-2268... , Emmanuel W1 (2023), Downing W1 (2023), Clare W1 (2023), Newnham W2 (2023), Downing W2 (2023), Emmanuel W3 (2023), Lucy Cavendish W2 (2023), Caius W4 (2023), Clare W4 (2023), Corpus Christi W2 (2023)
-3363... , Homerton W1 (2023), Lucy Cavendish W1 (2023), Emmanuel W2 (2023), Queens' W2 (2023), Murray Edwards W2 (2023), Jesus W3 (2023), Clare Hall W1 (2023), King's W2 (2023), St Catharine's W3 (2023), Trinity Hall W3 (2023)
-4401... , Clare Hall W1 (2022), St Catharine's W3 (2022), Christ's W1 (2023), Girton W1 (2023), Darwin W1 (2023), Caius W2 (2023), Pembroke W3 (2023), Darwin W2 (2023), Fitzwilliam W2 (2023), Peterhouse W3 (2023)
-516... , Jesus W3 (2001), St Catharine's W1 (2003), St Edmund's W1 (2003), St Catharine's W2 (2006), King's W2 (2006), New Hall W1 (2007), Addenbrooke's W1 (2007), St Edmund's W1 (2010), Pembroke W3 (2017), Emmanuel W4 (2018)
-639... , Peterhouse W2 (2005), New Hall W3 (2006), Magdalene W1 (2007), Newnham W2 (2007), New Hall W2 (2008), Jesus W1 (2010), Magdalene W2 (2011), Pembroke W3 (2013), Pembroke W2 (2014), Clare W4 (2016)
-75Robinson W1 (1983), Corpus Christi W2 (1995), St Catharine's W2 (2008), Queens' W3 (2009), Sidney Sussex W2 (2017)
-85Hughes Hall W1 (1984), QMABC W2 (1985), Caius W2 (1992), 1st and 3rd W3 (2002), Trinity Hall W3 (2022)
-102New Hall W2 (1993), Robinson W2 (1993)
-121Clare W3 (1986)

Each day outcome:

+91Peterhouse W1 (1986) day 3
+62Christ's W2 (1993) day 2, St Edmund's W2 (2019) day 3
+513... , Jesus W4 (1985) day 2, Churchill W4 (1986) day 1, Wolfson W1 (1987) day 4, Robinson W2 (1992) day 1, 1st and 3rd W2 (1993) day 1, Downing W3 (2002) day 2, St Edmund's W1 (2008) day 2, Sidney Sussex W3 (2009) day 4, Churchill W2 (2016) day 2, Churchill W2 (2022) day 1
+413... , Trinity Hall W2 (1993) day 1, Darwin W1 (1998) day 2, Wolfson W1 (2000) day 1, Downing W2 (2002) day 3, Newnham W4 (2006) day 2, Emmanuel W4 (2006) day 1, Sidney Sussex W3 (2009) day 2, Magdalene W2 (2013) day 2, Wolfson W2 (2016) day 1, Hughes/Lucy W3 (2017) day 1
+399... , Emmanuel W4 (2013) day 1, Queens' W4 (2013) day 4, Jesus W2 (2014) day 1, Corpus Christi W1 (2016) day 1, Clare Hall W1 (2016) day 4, Homerton W2 (2016) day 2, Hughes/Lucy W2 (2017) day 1, Homerton W2 (2017) day 3, St Catharine's W3 (2017) day 1, Trinity Hall W3 (2018) day 1
+272... , Magdalene W1 (2016) day 1, Fitzwilliam W1 (2016) day 3, Caius W2 (2016) day 4, Trinity Hall W1 (2019) day 3, Caius W2 (2019) day 1, Magdalene W1 (2022) day 4, Jesus W4 (2022) day 4, Peterhouse W2 (2022) day 2, Sidney Sussex W2 (2023) day 4, Hughes Hall W2 (2023) day 2
+14042... , Hughes Hall W2 (2023) day 4, Girton W2 (2023) day 2, Girton W2 (2023) day 3, Hughes Hall W3 (2023) day 1, Hughes Hall W3 (2023) day 3, Wolfson W2 (2023) day 2, Newnham W4 (2023) day 4, Churchill W3 (2023) day 2, Churchill W3 (2023) day 3, Churchill W3 (2023) day 4
+03764... , Jesus W4 (2023) day 1, Trinity Hall W3 (2023) day 4, Girton W2 (2023) day 1, Hughes Hall W3 (2023) day 2, Hughes Hall W3 (2023) day 4, Wolfson W2 (2023) day 1, Wolfson W2 (2023) day 3, Newnham W4 (2023) day 1, Newnham W4 (2023) day 3, Churchill W3 (2023) day 1
-14198... , Trinity Hall W3 (2023) day 1, Trinity Hall W3 (2023) day 2, Trinity Hall W3 (2023) day 3, Girton W2 (2023) day 4, Peterhouse W3 (2023) day 1, Peterhouse W3 (2023) day 2, Peterhouse W3 (2023) day 3, Peterhouse W3 (2023) day 4, Wolfson W2 (2023) day 4, Newnham W4 (2023) day 2
-3109... , Robinson W2 (2013) day 1, Clare W4 (2013) day 4, Pembroke W2 (2014) day 1, Clare W2 (2016) day 1, St Catharine's W2 (2016) day 4, Clare W4 (2016) day 2, Pembroke W3 (2017) day 1, Hughes/Lucy W3 (2017) day 3, Emmanuel W4 (2017) day 1, Emmanuel W4 (2018) day 1
-43Pembroke W3 (2013) day 2, Emmanuel W4 (2016) day 1, Sidney Sussex W2 (2017) day 1
-515... , Robinson W1 (1987) day 4, Homerton W4 (1992) day 1, New Hall W2 (1993) day 2, Robinson W2 (1993) day 1, 1st and 3rd W3 (2002) day 2, St Catharine's W2 (2008) day 2, Queens' W3 (2009) day 4, Darwin W2 (2016) day 2, Pembroke W4 (2019) day 3, Trinity Hall W3 (2022) day 1
-91Clare W3 (1986) day 3

Club rankings for May Bumps, Women, across 48 years: 1974 to 2023

Newnham stats for May Bumps, Women, across 48 years: 1974 to 2023


151975, 1976, 2003, 2019, 2022
212... , 1976, 1977, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 2000, 2019, 2022
315... , 1979, 1980, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 2016, 2017, 2018
411... , 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 2009
571975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1983

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11198 days from 1975 to 1976
2222 days from 1976 to 1976
3742 days from 1976 to 1976
41021 days from 1974 to 1974
51422 days from 1975 to 1975
65611 days from 1983 to 1983

Blades awarded: 16

W1 (1975), W1 (1976), W2 (1983), W4 (1984), W5 (1986), W5 (1987), W1 (1998), W1 (2003), W4 (2005), W3 (2006), W3 (2009), W2 (2010), W2 (2011), W3 (2015), W1 (2019), W1 (2022)

Number of crews:

581975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1987
413... , 1984, 1985, 1988, 1989, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2023
323... , 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022
231990, 1993, 1996

Each set outcome:

+61W3 (2006)
+411... , W4 (1984), W5 (1986), W5 (1987), W1 (1998), W4 (2005), W4 (2006), W3 (2009), W2 (2010), W2 (2011), W3 (2015)
+328... , W1 (2007), W1 (2010), W1 (2011), W3 (2011), W2 (2013), W2 (2016), W1 (2017), W3 (2017), W2 (2019), W3 (2023)
+213... , W1 (1982), W2 (1992), W2 (1993), W3 (1999), W1 (2006), W2 (2014), W1 (2016), W3 (2016), W2 (2017), W1 (2018)
+115... , W2 (1996), W2 (1998), W3 (2000), W3 (2001), W3 (2002), W2 (2005), W1 (2012), W3 (2012), W1 (2019), W2 (2022)
+021... , W3 (1997), W1 (2002), W2 (2003), W2 (2004), W2 (2008), W2 (2009), W3 (2010), W3 (2013), W1 (2022), W4 (2023)
-122... , W1 (1987), W3 (1988), W3 (1989), W3 (1994), W1 (2000), W1 (2001), W1 (2014), W3 (2014), W3 (2019), W3 (2022)
-213... , W1 (1983), W1 (1988), W2 (1990), W3 (1991), W3 (2003), W4 (2007), W4 (2008), W1 (2015), W2 (2015), W2 (2023)
-325... , W2 (1994), W2 (1995), W1 (1996), W3 (2004), W1 (2008), W1 (2009), W2 (2012), W1 (2013), W2 (2018), W1 (2023)
-422... , W1 (1989), W4 (1989), W1 (1997), W2 (2002), W1 (2004), W1 (2005), W3 (2007), W3 (2008), W4 (2009), W3 (2018)
-62W2 (2001), W2 (2007)

Each day outcome:

+41W4 (2006) day 2
+31W3 (2006) day 4
+1204... , W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 3, W2 (2022) day 2, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 3, W4 (2023) day 4
+0233... , W2 (2022) day 4, W3 (2022) day 1, W3 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 4, W4 (2023) day 1, W4 (2023) day 3
-1250... , W3 (2018) day 3, W3 (2018) day 4, W3 (2019) day 1, W3 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4, W4 (2023) day 2
-33W4 (1986) day 2, W2 (2001) day 1, W2 (2007) day 1

Jesus stats for May Bumps, Women, across 42 years: 1980 to 2023


181988, 1993, 1994, 2005, 2007, 2017, 2018, 2023
217... , 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2023
315... , 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
413... , 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2015
591985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1999, 2000, 2005, 2006
631985, 1986, 1987

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11257 days from 1988 to 1994
21355 days from 2016 to 2017
32711 days from 1990 to 1990
44522 days from 2000 to 2001
56252 days from 1986 to 1999
66622 days from 1985 to 1985
78611 days from 1986 to 1986

Blades awarded: 33

... , W3 (1985), W1 (1986), W1 (1988), W4 (1988), W1 (1993), W3 (1993), W1 (1994), W4 (1995), W4 (2000), W2 (2002), W3 (2002), W1 (2005), W2 (2005), W3 (2005), W2 (2006), W4 (2006), W1 (2007), W1 (2012), W3 (2013), W2 (2014), W2 (2015), W1 (2017), W1 (2018), W1 (2023), W2 (2023)

Number of crews:

621985, 1987
571988, 1989, 1993, 1999, 2000, 2005, 2006
419... , 2003, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023
311... , 1983, 1990, 1992, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018
121980, 1981

Each set outcome:

+63W2 (1985), W4 (1995), W2 (2014)
+56W1 (1981), W2 (1983), W2 (1986), W4 (1986), W4 (1989), W2 (2015)
+422... , W3 (2002), W2 (2005), W3 (2005), W4 (2005), W2 (2006), W4 (2006), W1 (2012), W3 (2013), W1 (2023), W2 (2023)
+319... , W3 (1992), W4 (1998), W1 (2004), W3 (2004), W1 (2005), W2 (2007), W2 (2013), W3 (2014), W3 (2015), W3 (2019)
+215... , W2 (1995), W2 (1996), W3 (1996), W4 (1996), W1 (2000), W2 (2000), W4 (2008), W1 (2011), W1 (2017), W4 (2022)
+114... , W1 (1988), W2 (1990), W1 (1993), W1 (2001), W1 (2007), W3 (2007), W2 (2008), W1 (2015), W1 (2016), W2 (2016)
+019... , W1 (1996), W1 (1997), W3 (1998), W5 (2000), W2 (2001), W1 (2002), W2 (2004), W1 (2009), W3 (2016), W1 (2018)
-114... , W3 (2000), W1 (2006), W3 (2006), W1 (2008), W4 (2011), W1 (2013), W4 (2015), W4 (2017), W1 (2019), W4 (2023)
-211... , W1 (1995), W2 (1997), W1 (1999), W3 (1999), W5 (2005), W2 (2009), W1 (2014), W3 (2017), W4 (2019), W2 (2022)
-318... , W4 (2001), W3 (2008), W4 (2009), W2 (2010), W4 (2013), W2 (2017), W3 (2018), W1 (2022), W3 (2022), W3 (2023)
-420... , W4 (2003), W5 (2006), W3 (2009), W3 (2010), W2 (2011), W3 (2011), W2 (2012), W3 (2012), W2 (2018), W2 (2019)
-51W3 (2001)
-63W5 (1987), W6 (1987), W1 (2010)

Each day outcome:

+51W4 (1985) day 2
+37W2 (1985) day 1, W2 (1986) day 2, W4 (1986) day 2, W3 (1987) day 3, W4 (1989) day 3, W4 (1995) day 2, W2 (2014) day 1
+25W1 (1981) day 1, W2 (1983) day 2, W4 (2005) day 2, W2 (2015) day 1, W4 (2022) day 4
+1221... , W4 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4, W4 (2023) day 4
+0223... , W3 (2019) day 1, W4 (2019) day 3, W4 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 4, W3 (2022) day 2, W4 (2022) day 2, W3 (2023) day 3, W4 (2023) day 1
-1198... , W2 (2022) day 3, W3 (2022) day 1, W3 (2022) day 3, W3 (2022) day 4, W4 (2022) day 1, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 4, W4 (2023) day 2, W4 (2023) day 3
-35W5 (1987) day 1, W6 (1987) day 1, W3 (1991) day 2, W3 (2001) day 3, W1 (2010) day 1

Clare stats for May Bumps, Women, across 48 years: 1974 to 2023


141974, 1979, 1980, 2013
442016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11116 days from 1974 to 1980
2811 days from 1980 to 1980
31511 days from 1976 to 1976
42032 days from 1976 to 1976
56511 days from 1983 to 1983
67211 days from 1985 to 1985

Blades awarded: 9

W1 (1974), W2 (1975), W2 (1977), W1 (1979), W1 (1980), W3 (1983), W4 (1984), W2 (2009), W1 (2013)

Number of crews:

621985, 1989
521983, 1988
414... , 2004, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023
325... , 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014
241975, 1990, 1991, 2007

Each set outcome:

+51W1 (1992)
+48W2 (1975), W2 (1977), W3 (1983), W4 (1984), W4 (1987), W2 (1995), W2 (2009), W1 (2013)
+315... , W2 (1990), W1 (1995), W1 (2000), W1 (2003), W2 (2008), W3 (2009), W1 (2011), W2 (2013), W3 (2013), W3 (2017)
+224... , W3 (2001), W1 (2004), W1 (2005), W2 (2006), W1 (2008), W3 (2008), W1 (2012), W1 (2016), W4 (2018), W3 (2023)
+114... , W3 (1996), W2 (1999), W3 (2002), W2 (2004), W1 (2010), W2 (2011), W2 (2017), W1 (2018), W2 (2022), W3 (2022)
+018... , W3 (1987), W2 (1988), W3 (1992), W1 (1996), W2 (2001), W4 (2004), W2 (2010), W3 (2014), W2 (2015), W3 (2018)
-120... , W1 (1993), W2 (1994), W2 (1997), W2 (2002), W2 (2003), W2 (2005), W4 (2015), W3 (2016), W2 (2019), W2 (2023)
-216... , W3 (1998), W1 (2001), W1 (2007), W4 (2009), W2 (2012), W1 (2015), W4 (2017), W2 (2018), W1 (2023), W4 (2023)
-323... , W1 (2009), W3 (2010), W3 (2011), W3 (2012), W1 (2014), W2 (2014), W1 (2017), W3 (2019), W1 (2022), W4 (2022)
-420... , W3 (2000), W1 (2002), W3 (2005), W3 (2006), W2 (2007), W4 (2013), W3 (2015), W2 (2016), W1 (2019), W4 (2019)
-62W4 (1985), W4 (2016)
-121W3 (1986)

Each day outcome:

+34W3 (1987) day 2, W1 (1992) day 1, W3 (1993) day 2, W1 (2003) day 4
+24W4 (1987) day 2, W2 (1995) day 1, W2 (1998) day 3, W2 (2001) day 2
+1169... , W3 (2018) day 4, W4 (2018) day 3, W4 (2018) day 4, W2 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 3, W3 (2022) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2, W4 (2023) day 1
+0227... , W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W3 (2022) day 2, W4 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 3, W3 (2023) day 4
-1234... , W4 (2022) day 1, W4 (2022) day 2, W4 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4, W4 (2023) day 2, W4 (2023) day 3, W4 (2023) day 4
-39W3 (1978) day 1, W4 (1985) day 1, W2 (1991) day 1, W2 (1996) day 1, W2 (2000) day 1, W1 (2007) day 3, W4 (2013) day 4, W2 (2016) day 1, W4 (2016) day 2
-91W3 (1986) day 3

Girton stats for May Bumps, Women, across 48 years: 1974 to 2023


451979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983
521979, 1980
631979, 1980, 1989

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1332 days from 1979 to 1980
2611 days from 1980 to 1980
31111 days from 1974 to 1974
42432 days from 1979 to 1981
52611 days from 1979 to 1979
63011 days from 1979 to 1979

Blades awarded: 11

W2 (1977), W1 (1979), W4 (1979), W5 (1979), W4 (1984), W1 (1990), W1 (2000), W2 (2003), W1 (2004), W2 (2007), W1 (2014)

Number of crews:

631979, 1980, 1989
521978, 1983
491981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 2007, 2009
315... , 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2013
218... , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023

Each set outcome:

+62W1 (1979), W4 (1984)
+55W2 (1977), W1 (1978), W2 (1980), W2 (2001), W2 (2003)
+47W4 (1979), W5 (1979), W1 (1990), W1 (2000), W1 (2004), W2 (2007), W1 (2014)
+318... , W3 (1990), W1 (1999), W1 (2001), W2 (2002), W1 (2003), W1 (2005), W3 (2005), W1 (2012), W1 (2015), W1 (2016)
+25W2 (1975), W4 (1978), W1 (1982), W5 (1989), W2 (1990)
+113... , W4 (1988), W1 (1991), W3 (1999), W2 (2000), W2 (2005), W1 (2008), W2 (2013), W2 (2017), W1 (2018), W2 (2023)
+017... , W3 (1995), W2 (1998), W3 (2000), W1 (2002), W3 (2002), W1 (2006), W2 (2006), W3 (2006), W1 (2007), W2 (2019)
-112... , W5 (1980), W6 (1980), W2 (1981), W4 (1989), W2 (1992), W2 (1996), W3 (2001), W2 (2004), W4 (2009), W2 (2011)
-217... , W1 (1985), W6 (1989), W1 (1993), W1 (1994), W2 (1995), W2 (1997), W1 (1998), W3 (2007), W1 (2013), W3 (2013)
-319... , W2 (1999), W4 (2007), W2 (2008), W1 (2009), W2 (2010), W2 (2012), W2 (2014), W2 (2016), W1 (2022), W2 (2022)
-428... , W3 (1996), W3 (2008), W2 (2009), W3 (2009), W1 (2010), W1 (2011), W2 (2015), W1 (2017), W1 (2019), W1 (2023)
-63W2 (1983), W3 (1989), W2 (1994)

Each day outcome:

+35W1 (1978) day 1, W1 (1979) day 2, W2 (1980) day 4, W4 (1984) day 3, W2 (2001) day 3
+23W2 (1977) day 3, W1 (2001) day 1, W2 (2003) day 4
+1167... , W1 (2015) day 4, W1 (2016) day 1, W1 (2016) day 3, W1 (2016) day 4, W2 (2017) day 2, W2 (2017) day 3, W1 (2018) day 1, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3
+0146... , W2 (2016) day 1, W2 (2017) day 1, W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2018) day 3, W1 (2018) day 4, W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2023) day 1
-1255... , W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 4
-38W3 (1981) day 2, W2 (1983) day 2, W2 (1986) day 1, W2 (1986) day 3, W4 (1987) day 2, W3 (1989) day 3, W2 (1994) day 1, W3 (2006) day 1

Emmanuel stats for May Bumps, Women, across 42 years: 1980 to 2023


141995, 1996, 1999, 2004
241999, 2003, 2004, 2005
362013, 2014, 2015, 2019, 2022, 2023
442007, 2013, 2022, 2023
522009, 2013

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11218 days from 1995 to 1996
22022 days from 2004 to 2004
33822 days from 2022 to 2022
45822 days from 2023 to 2023
56822 days from 2013 to 2013

Blades awarded: 23

W1 (1981), W3 (1984), W1 (1985), W1 (1986), W2 (1987), W1 (1988), W2 (1988), W2 (1991), W2 (1994), W1 (1995), W3 (1995), W1 (1996), W1 (1999), W2 (2002), W2 (2003), W1 (2004), W3 (2007), W3 (2008), W3 (2009), W2 (2010), W1 (2017), W2 (2018), W4 (2022)

Number of crews:

531986, 2009, 2013
4101989, 1994, 2006, 2007, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023
318... , 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015
2101980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002

Each set outcome:

+71W2 (1994)
+63W2 (2002), W4 (2006), W3 (2007)
+53W2 (1987), W3 (2008), W4 (2013)
+416... , W2 (1988), W2 (1991), W3 (1995), W2 (2003), W3 (2009), W4 (2009), W2 (2010), W1 (2017), W2 (2018), W4 (2022)
+317... , W2 (1995), W3 (2000), W3 (2004), W3 (2006), W2 (2008), W3 (2013), W2 (2014), W2 (2019), W3 (2019), W4 (2023)
+213... , W1 (1994), W2 (1996), W2 (1998), W2 (1999), W2 (2004), W5 (2009), W1 (2013), W3 (2014), W3 (2018), W3 (2022)
+111... , W1 (1990), W1 (1993), W3 (1993), W1 (1995), W1 (1999), W1 (2004), W4 (2007), W3 (2010), W2 (2011), W1 (2014)
+023... , W2 (2007), W1 (2008), W1 (2010), W5 (2013), W1 (2015), W3 (2015), W3 (2016), W2 (2017), W1 (2019), W1 (2022)
-113... , W1 (1992), W3 (1994), W1 (1997), W1 (2000), W1 (2009), W1 (2011), W1 (2012), W2 (2013), W1 (2018), W4 (2019)
-211... , W2 (1984), W5 (1986), W1 (1991), W1 (2005), W2 (2005), W3 (2011), W3 (2012), W2 (2022), W1 (2023), W3 (2023)
-39W2 (1982), W2 (1997), W3 (1998), W2 (2001), W2 (2012), W2 (2015), W1 (2016), W4 (2017), W2 (2023)
-47W2 (2000), W3 (2005), W2 (2006), W2 (2009), W2 (2016), W4 (2016), W3 (2017)
-51W4 (2018)
-62W1 (1983), W3 (1996)

Each day outcome:

+41W4 (2006) day 1
+35W2 (1994) day 1, W2 (2002) day 4, W3 (2006) day 1, W3 (2007) day 4, W4 (2013) day 1
+25W1 (1980) day 4, W2 (1987) day 3, W2 (1994) day 4, W3 (2008) day 4, W4 (2009) day 4
+1192... , W1 (2022) day 1, W3 (2022) day 1, W3 (2022) day 3, W4 (2022) day 1, W4 (2022) day 2, W4 (2022) day 3, W4 (2022) day 4, W4 (2023) day 1, W4 (2023) day 2, W4 (2023) day 3
+0196... , W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 4, W3 (2023) day 3, W3 (2023) day 4, W4 (2023) day 4
-1114... , W1 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2
-36W1 (1983) day 2, W1 (1983) day 4, W3 (1996) day 2, W3 (1996) day 4, W4 (2017) day 1, W4 (2018) day 1
-41W4 (2016) day 1

LMBC stats for May Bumps, Women, across 39 years: 1983 to 2023


121991, 1992
241990, 1991, 1992, 1993
342000, 2001, 2002, 2003
441990, 1991, 1992, 1993

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1188 days from 1991 to 1993
21743 days from 1990 to 1991
33511 days from 2002 to 2002
44211 days from 1992 to 1992
56311 days from 1993 to 1993
68411 days from 1988 to 1988

Blades awarded: 19

W1 (1984), W2 (1985), W3 (1985), W1 (1986), W1 (1987), W2 (1988), W3 (1988), W2 (1989), W3 (1989), W1 (1991), W4 (1991), W1 (1992), W1 (1998), W3 (1999), W3 (2000), W2 (2001), W2 (2006), W3 (2012), W1 (2017)

Number of crews:

521993, 1999
4101985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2005
321... , 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023
251983, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015

Each set outcome:

+61W1 (1984)
+416... , W2 (1989), W3 (1989), W4 (1991), W1 (1998), W3 (1999), W3 (2000), W2 (2001), W2 (2006), W3 (2012), W1 (2017)
+319... , W3 (1995), W3 (2001), W1 (2003), W4 (2005), W1 (2008), W2 (2009), W2 (2012), W2 (2018), W1 (2023), W3 (2023)
+217... , W2 (1995), W1 (1997), W4 (1999), W2 (2005), W3 (2005), W1 (2013), W1 (2014), W3 (2016), W3 (2017), W1 (2019)
+113... , W3 (1990), W2 (1991), W5 (1993), W4 (2002), W2 (2003), W1 (2007), W1 (2010), W3 (2019), W2 (2022), W2 (2023)
+013... , W4 (1997), W2 (1999), W5 (1999), W1 (2001), W1 (2004), W2 (2008), W1 (2009), W1 (2016), W2 (2016), W2 (2017)
-115... , W1 (1995), W2 (1996), W3 (1998), W2 (2000), W3 (2002), W2 (2004), W1 (2005), W3 (2006), W1 (2018), W1 (2022)
-213... , W3 (1997), W1 (1999), W1 (2000), W1 (2002), W2 (2007), W3 (2009), W2 (2013), W3 (2014), W1 (2015), W2 (2019)
-311... , W3 (1994), W2 (1997), W2 (2002), W3 (2003), W1 (2006), W3 (2008), W1 (2011), W2 (2014), W2 (2015), W3 (2022)
-411... , W2 (1994), W1 (1996), W3 (1996), W2 (1998), W3 (2004), W3 (2007), W2 (2010), W2 (2011), W1 (2012), W3 (2018)

Each day outcome:

+32W1 (1984) day 4, W4 (2005) day 1
+1197... , W3 (2019) day 1, W3 (2019) day 2, W2 (2022) day 2, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 3, W3 (2023) day 4
+0174... , W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W3 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4, W3 (2023) day 1
-1141... , W3 (2018) day 3, W3 (2018) day 4, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 4, W3 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 1, W3 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 4
-32W4 (1993) day 4, W3 (2002) day 3

Homerton stats for May Bumps, Women, across 44 years: 1978 to 2023



Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1511 days from 1985 to 1985
22511 days from 1985 to 1985
33622 days from 1983 to 1984
45332 days from 1984 to 1985
57322 days from 1989 to 1989

Blades awarded: 10

W1 (1980), W3 (1980), W1 (1981), W2 (1984), W2 (1985), W5 (1988), W2 (2004), W1 (2015), W1 (2017), W2 (2019)

Number of crews:

531987, 1988, 1989
412... , 1984, 1985, 1986, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997
381980, 1981, 1990, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2018, 2019
218... , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2022, 2023
131978, 1979, 2015

Each set outcome:

+53W2 (1985), W3 (1998), W2 (2017)
+410W1 (1980), W3 (1980), W1 (1981), W2 (1984), W5 (1988), W2 (1991), W2 (2004), W1 (2015), W1 (2017), W2 (2019)
+315... , W2 (1992), W1 (1996), W2 (1996), W1 (2007), W2 (2011), W1 (2012), W1 (2014), W2 (2016), W1 (2018), W2 (2018)
+211... , W3 (1982), W1 (1983), W1 (1984), W4 (1984), W1 (1989), W3 (1990), W1 (1993), W4 (1994), W1 (2009), W1 (2016)
+111... , W5 (1987), W2 (1989), W1 (1991), W1 (2005), W1 (2006), W1 (2008), W1 (2011), W2 (2012), W2 (2014), W2 (2023)
+06W2 (1980), W4 (1982), W4 (1985), W2 (1990), W2 (1993), W1 (1998)
-112... , W1 (1988), W5 (1989), W1 (1990), W2 (1997), W2 (2000), W3 (2001), W2 (2008), W2 (2009), W3 (2018), W1 (2022)
-219... , W3 (1994), W3 (1995), W4 (1995), W3 (1996), W3 (1997), W4 (1997), W2 (1998), W1 (2004), W3 (2004), W2 (2022)
-311... , W3 (1993), W1 (1995), W2 (1995), W1 (1999), W1 (2002), W2 (2003), W2 (2005), W2 (2013), W1 (2019), W1 (2023)
-423... , W1 (2001), W2 (2001), W2 (2002), W1 (2003), W2 (2006), W2 (2007), W1 (2010), W2 (2010), W1 (2013), W3 (2019)
-52W3 (1987), W4 (1992)
-63W3 (1984), W4 (1996), W1 (2000)

Each day outcome:

+51W4 (1984) day 4
+37W1 (1983) day 1, W3 (1983) day 3, W2 (1993) day 3, W3 (1998) day 2, W1 (2007) day 1, W2 (2016) day 2, W2 (2017) day 3
+22W2 (1985) day 4, W2 (1991) day 4
+1143... , W2 (2018) day 2, W2 (2018) day 3, W2 (2018) day 4, W3 (2018) day 3, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 3, W2 (2019) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2
+0128... , W2 (2018) day 1, W3 (2018) day 2, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 2, W1 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 3
-1214... , W3 (2019) day 2, W3 (2019) day 3, W3 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 4
-38W3 (1984) day 2, W3 (1987) day 3, W3 (1995) day 1, W4 (1996) day 1, W2 (1998) day 2, W1 (2000) day 4, W2 (2001) day 1, W2 (2007) day 1
-51W4 (1992) day 1

Caius stats for May Bumps, Women, across 42 years: 1980 to 2023


132000, 2001, 2002

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
111611 days from 2000 to 2002
22752 days from 2002 to 2003
34611 days from 2023 to 2023
46022 days from 2000 to 2001
57322 days from 2022 to 2022

Blades awarded: 20

W1 (1981), W1 (1983), W2 (1987), W2 (1988), W1 (1994), W1 (1998), W2 (1998), W3 (1998), W1 (1999), W2 (1999), W3 (1999), W1 (2000), W2 (2000), W1 (2001), W1 (2002), W3 (2002), W2 (2016), W2 (2022), W3 (2022), W3 (2023)

Number of crews:

471987, 1988, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2019, 2023
312... , 1989, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2017, 2018
221... , 1997, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

Each set outcome:

+62W1 (1981), W2 (1999)
+54W2 (1987), W1 (1994), W2 (2000), W2 (2016)
+413... , W1 (1998), W2 (1998), W3 (1998), W1 (1999), W3 (1999), W3 (2002), W2 (2012), W2 (2022), W3 (2022), W3 (2023)
+317... , W2 (2002), W2 (2005), W3 (2006), W1 (2013), W1 (2014), W3 (2017), W3 (2018), W2 (2019), W3 (2019), W4 (2019)
+29W1 (1986), W1 (1987), W2 (1994), W1 (1997), W1 (2000), W3 (2000), W1 (2004), W1 (2012), W1 (2022)
+111... , W2 (1982), W1 (1984), W2 (1984), W1 (1985), W2 (1985), W2 (1991), W2 (1997), W1 (2008), W1 (2009), W1 (2019)
+016... , W3 (2003), W1 (2006), W2 (2006), W2 (2009), W2 (2011), W1 (2015), W1 (2016), W2 (2018), W4 (2022), W1 (2023)
-17W3 (1985), W1 (1988), W1 (1993), W2 (2003), W1 (2007), W2 (2015), W1 (2017)
-210W1 (1980), W3 (1987), W1 (1990), W2 (2004), W1 (2005), W2 (2013), W2 (2017), W1 (2018), W5 (2022), W4 (2023)
-39W2 (1983), W1 (1989), W2 (1989), W1 (2003), W3 (2004), W3 (2007), W2 (2008), W1 (2010), W2 (2014)
-413... , W2 (1993), W2 (1995), W4 (1999), W3 (2001), W4 (2001), W3 (2005), W2 (2007), W2 (2010), W1 (2011), W2 (2023)
-81W2 (1992)

Each day outcome:

+33W1 (1981) day 2, W2 (1999) day 1, W3 (2006) day 1
+27W2 (1986) day 4, W2 (1987) day 1, W1 (1994) day 4, W2 (2000) day 3, W2 (2012) day 4, W2 (2016) day 4, W2 (2019) day 1
+1164... , W3 (2022) day 1, W3 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 3, W3 (2022) day 4, W4 (2022) day 1, W1 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 3, W3 (2023) day 4
+0147... , W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 4, W4 (2022) day 2, W4 (2022) day 4, W5 (2022) day 2, W5 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W4 (2023) day 1, W4 (2023) day 2
-1122... , W4 (2022) day 3, W5 (2022) day 1, W5 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4, W4 (2023) day 3, W4 (2023) day 4
-35W3 (1985) day 1, W2 (1992) day 2, W2 (1992) day 4, W3 (2004) day 4, W2 (2008) day 2

Trinity Hall stats for May Bumps, Women, across 44 years: 1978 to 2023


121982, 1983

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1177 days from 1982 to 1983
22911 days from 1986 to 1986
34111 days from 1980 to 1980
46311 days from 1983 to 1983

Blades awarded: 9

W1 (1980), W1 (1981), W1 (1982), W1 (1983), W2 (1985), W2 (2010), W1 (2022), W1 (2023), W2 (2023)

Number of crews:

441983, 1986, 1988, 2018
319... , 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2019, 2022, 2023
218... , 1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
131978, 1979, 1990

Each set outcome:

+62W1 (1980), W2 (1993)
+410W1 (1979), W1 (1981), W2 (1985), W2 (2004), W2 (2010), W2 (2011), W3 (2018), W1 (2022), W1 (2023), W2 (2023)
+311... , W3 (1983), W2 (1991), W1 (1995), W1 (1996), W2 (1996), W2 (1997), W2 (2001), W1 (2006), W1 (2011), W4 (2018)
+215... , W2 (1992), W2 (1994), W1 (2001), W1 (2005), W2 (2008), W1 (2010), W2 (2014), W1 (2016), W1 (2018), W1 (2019)
+110W1 (1985), W3 (1996), W1 (1999), W2 (2000), W2 (2002), W3 (2002), W3 (2009), W2 (2016), W2 (2018), W2 (2019)
+014... , W1 (1992), W1 (1993), W2 (1995), W2 (1998), W3 (2000), W1 (2003), W1 (2012), W1 (2017), W2 (2017), W3 (2019)
-18W2 (1984), W2 (1986), W2 (1989), W3 (1989), W1 (1997), W1 (2000), W3 (2012), W2 (2015)
-28W2 (1980), W4 (1988), W1 (2002), W3 (2003), W1 (2004), W2 (2006), W3 (2010), W2 (2022)
-316... , W1 (1998), W2 (1999), W3 (2004), W2 (2005), W3 (2006), W1 (2007), W3 (2011), W2 (2012), W1 (2013), W3 (2023)
-415... , W2 (1988), W3 (1988), W2 (2003), W2 (2007), W1 (2008), W1 (2009), W2 (2009), W2 (2013), W1 (2014), W1 (2015)
-62W3 (1986), W4 (1986)
-81W3 (2022)

Each day outcome:

+41W2 (1993) day 1
+34W1 (1980) day 3, W2 (1991) day 3, W2 (2011) day 1, W3 (2018) day 1
+24W1 (1979) day 1, W2 (2001) day 3, W2 (2004) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3
+1124... , W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4
+0152... , W3 (2018) day 2, W3 (2018) day 3, W4 (2018) day 4, W1 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 4, W3 (2019) day 1, W3 (2019) day 3, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 4, W3 (2023) day 4
-1158... , W2 (2019) day 1, W3 (2019) day 4, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3, W3 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 3, W3 (2022) day 4, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 3
-34W2 (1986) day 2, W3 (1986) day 3, W4 (1986) day 1, W3 (2011) day 1
-51W3 (2022) day 1

Queens' stats for May Bumps, Women, across 41 years: 1981 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1411 days from 1992 to 1992
23022 days from 2015 to 2015
34411 days from 2023 to 2023
46411 days from 2013 to 2013
58611 days from 1989 to 1989

Blades awarded: 18

W1 (1984), W1 (1986), W1 (1987), W3 (1987), W1 (1988), W2 (1988), W3 (1991), W1 (1992), W2 (1995), W2 (1997), W3 (2004), W2 (2006), W2 (2010), W2 (2014), W3 (2019), W3 (2022), W1 (2023), W3 (2023)

Number of crews:

451986, 1987, 1988, 2013, 2018
321... , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023
2101984, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
141981, 1982, 1983, 1985

Each set outcome:

+53W2 (1987), W2 (1988), W2 (2014)
+417... , W2 (1995), W2 (1997), W3 (2004), W2 (2006), W1 (2007), W2 (2010), W3 (2019), W3 (2022), W1 (2023), W3 (2023)
+316... , W2 (1989), W3 (1989), W4 (1989), W5 (1989), W1 (1997), W2 (1999), W1 (2006), W3 (2006), W4 (2013), W1 (2019)
+211... , W1 (1994), W3 (1994), W3 (1996), W1 (2003), W2 (2003), W1 (2010), W1 (2011), W2 (2013), W1 (2014), W3 (2017)
+17W2 (1994), W1 (1999), W2 (2005), W3 (2005), W2 (2012), W3 (2012), W1 (2017)
+08W1 (1990), W2 (2004), W1 (2005), W3 (2008), W1 (2009), W3 (2010), W2 (2015), W2 (2019)
-112... , W2 (2007), W1 (2008), W2 (2008), W1 (2012), W1 (2013), W3 (2013), W2 (2017), W2 (2018), W3 (2018), W2 (2022)
-212... , W1 (1996), W2 (1996), W3 (1997), W2 (2002), W1 (2004), W2 (2016), W3 (2016), W1 (2018), W4 (2018), W1 (2022)
-314... , W3 (1992), W1 (1995), W1 (2001), W3 (2007), W2 (2009), W2 (2011), W3 (2014), W3 (2015), W1 (2016), W2 (2023)
-410W2 (1984), W1 (1985), W1 (1993), W2 (1998), W1 (2000), W2 (2000), W2 (2001), W1 (2002), W3 (2011), W1 (2015)
-61W2 (1993)
-71W3 (2009)

Each day outcome:

+33W2 (1987) day 1, W1 (2007) day 1, W4 (2013) day 4
+23W2 (1988) day 3, W2 (1999) day 1, W2 (2014) day 1
+1167... , W3 (2022) day 3, W3 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 3, W3 (2023) day 4
+0128... , W2 (2018) day 2, W2 (2018) day 3, W3 (2018) day 2, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W2 (2023) day 4
-1145... , W4 (2018) day 2, W4 (2018) day 3, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 3, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3
-31W2 (1993) day 3
-51W3 (2009) day 4

Churchill stats for May Bumps, Women, across 48 years: 1974 to 2023


161978, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990
221988, 1989

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
112512 days from 1978 to 1987
21511 days from 1975 to 1975
31622 days from 1975 to 1975
45411 days from 1986 to 1986
58311 days from 1988 to 1988

Blades awarded: 13

W1 (1978), W2 (1983), W1 (1985), W1 (1986), W2 (1986), W1 (1987), W1 (1989), W1 (1990), W2 (1998), W3 (1999), W2 (2013), W2 (2015), W1 (2023)

Number of crews:

451984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989
381975, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1997, 1999, 2023
229... , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022
151974, 1976, 2012, 2014, 2018

Each set outcome:

+73W4 (1986), W2 (2016), W2 (2022)
+61W2 (1998)
+46W2 (1983), W2 (1986), W3 (1999), W2 (2013), W2 (2015), W1 (2023)
+320... , W2 (1997), W3 (1997), W1 (2003), W2 (2003), W1 (2009), W1 (2013), W1 (2015), W1 (2016), W1 (2018), W3 (2023)
+29W1 (1974), W3 (1975), W1 (1982), W2 (1982), W2 (1995), W2 (1999), W1 (2006), W2 (2019), W2 (2023)
+116... , W2 (1988), W5 (1988), W1 (1989), W1 (1996), W2 (1996), W1 (1997), W1 (2011), W1 (2014), W2 (2017), W1 (2019)
+012... , W2 (1984), W1 (1986), W1 (1987), W1 (1990), W1 (1992), W1 (1994), W1 (1999), W1 (2000), W1 (2001), W2 (2004)
-17W3 (1985), W4 (1985), W2 (1987), W1 (1988), W2 (1993), W2 (2001), W1 (2004)
-210W2 (1979), W3 (1981), W1 (1991), W2 (1991), W1 (1993), W1 (2005), W1 (2007), W2 (2009), W1 (2010), W1 (2022)
-316... , W3 (1988), W2 (1989), W1 (1995), W2 (2000), W1 (2002), W2 (2002), W2 (2007), W2 (2008), W2 (2010), W1 (2017)
-412... , W4 (1988), W4 (1989), W2 (1990), W2 (1992), W1 (1998), W2 (2005), W2 (2006), W1 (2008), W2 (2011), W1 (2012)

Each day outcome:

+53W4 (1986) day 1, W2 (2016) day 2, W2 (2022) day 1
+31W2 (1998) day 3
+21W1 (2013) day 3
+1143... , W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 3, W3 (2023) day 4
+0159... , W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3, W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 3, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4, W3 (2023) day 1
-1141... , W1 (2012) day 1, W1 (2012) day 2, W1 (2012) day 3, W1 (2012) day 4, W1 (2017) day 1, W1 (2017) day 2, W1 (2017) day 4, W1 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4

1st and 3rd stats for May Bumps, Women, across 45 years: 1977 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1522 days from 2015 to 2016
22511 days from 1987 to 1987
34811 days from 1997 to 1997
47611 days from 2005 to 2005

Blades awarded: 16

W1 (1981), W2 (1982), W1 (1985), W2 (1985), W2 (1986), W2 (1987), W1 (1992), W2 (1993), W2 (1996), W1 (1997), W3 (1997), W3 (2003), W2 (2004), W3 (2005), W2 (2007), W2 (2015)

Number of crews:

431986, 1987, 2005
321... , 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
215... , 1994, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023
161977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1990, 2018

Each set outcome:

+82W2 (1986), W2 (1993)
+61W2 (2004)
+52W2 (1982), W1 (2007)
+413... , W2 (1987), W1 (1992), W3 (1995), W2 (1996), W1 (1997), W3 (1997), W3 (2003), W3 (2005), W2 (2007), W2 (2015)
+313... , W3 (1987), W2 (1994), W3 (2004), W1 (2005), W1 (2006), W2 (2006), W3 (2007), W2 (2009), W1 (2012), W2 (2022)
+211... , W2 (1992), W3 (1996), W1 (2000), W3 (2000), W1 (2004), W1 (2013), W2 (2014), W2 (2017), W2 (2019), W2 (2023)
+110W1 (1993), W2 (1995), W2 (1999), W2 (2001), W1 (2002), W1 (2009), W2 (2012), W1 (2014), W1 (2015), W1 (2019)
+014... , W1 (1990), W1 (1991), W2 (1991), W1 (1998), W2 (1998), W1 (1999), W1 (2003), W4 (2005), W1 (2010), W1 (2018)
-13W2 (1981), W3 (2009), W3 (2011)
-27W1 (1982), W4 (1987), W1 (1995), W1 (1996), W2 (2000), W1 (2017), W1 (2022)
-321... , W2 (2003), W1 (2008), W2 (2008), W2 (2010), W3 (2010), W1 (2011), W2 (2011), W1 (2016), W2 (2016), W1 (2023)
-411... , W1 (1988), W3 (1989), W2 (1997), W3 (1998), W1 (2001), W3 (2001), W2 (2005), W3 (2006), W3 (2008), W2 (2013)
-62W3 (1983), W3 (1999)
-81W3 (2002)

Each day outcome:

+51W2 (1993) day 1
+37W1 (1983) day 2, W2 (1986) day 2, W2 (1986) day 3, W3 (1995) day 3, W2 (2004) day 2, W1 (2007) day 3, W3 (2007) day 1
+21W2 (1982) day 3
+1146... , W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4
+0134... , W2 (2017) day 4, W1 (2018) day 1, W1 (2018) day 3, W1 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 3, W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 1, W1 (2023) day 4
-1152... , W1 (2017) day 2, W1 (2017) day 3, W1 (2018) day 4, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 1
-32W3 (1983) day 2, W3 (1999) day 2
-51W3 (2002) day 2

New Hall stats for May Bumps, Women, across 35 years: 1974 to 2008


131977, 1981, 1984
241978, 1979, 1981, 1982
341981, 1982, 1983, 1989

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11135 days from 1977 to 1982
2511 days from 1979 to 1979
31511 days from 1981 to 1981
41833 days from 1976 to 1976
52011 days from 1976 to 1976

Blades awarded: 10

W2 (1976), W1 (1977), W3 (1977), W1 (1981), W3 (1981), W1 (1984), W3 (1988), W3 (1989), W3 (2003), W3 (2008)

Number of crews:

541976, 1980, 1989, 2004
441977, 1979, 1986, 1988
319... , 1992, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
281974, 1975, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002

Each set outcome:

+51W2 (1976)
+47W3 (1977), W3 (1981), W3 (1988), W3 (1989), W1 (1994), W3 (2003), W3 (2008)
+38W1 (1976), W1 (1980), W2 (1988), W3 (1990), W1 (2000), W1 (2001), W3 (2005), W3 (2007)
+211... , W3 (1980), W2 (1981), W1 (1983), W2 (1990), W3 (1992), W2 (1994), W1 (1995), W1 (1996), W1 (2002), W2 (2003)
+19W1 (1975), W1 (1977), W1 (1981), W1 (1984), W1 (1988), W4 (1988), W1 (1989), W1 (1993), W2 (1995)
+014... , W2 (1977), W3 (1979), W1 (1987), W2 (1997), W3 (1997), W3 (1998), W1 (1999), W2 (2000), W2 (2004), W3 (2004)
-112... , W2 (1980), W5 (1980), W2 (1982), W2 (1983), W1 (1985), W5 (1989), W1 (1990), W1 (1991), W2 (1998), W1 (2003)
-212... , W4 (1979), W1 (1986), W4 (1986), W4 (1989), W2 (1996), W2 (1999), W3 (2001), W1 (2004), W5 (2004), W4 (2004)
-314... , W2 (1984), W2 (1986), W3 (1987), W2 (1989), W2 (1991), W1 (1992), W2 (2001), W2 (2002), W1 (2005), W2 (2005)
-417... , W2 (1987), W3 (1991), W2 (1992), W3 (1994), W1 (1997), W1 (1998), W1 (2006), W2 (2006), W2 (2007), W1 (2008)
-51W1 (2007)
-62W3 (2006), W2 (2008)
-101W2 (1993)

Each day outcome:

+31W3 (1992) day 2
+22W2 (1976) day 2, W1 (1994) day 1
+1100... , W3 (2005) day 2, W3 (2005) day 3, W3 (2005) day 4, W3 (2007) day 2, W3 (2007) day 3, W3 (2007) day 4, W3 (2008) day 1, W3 (2008) day 2, W3 (2008) day 3, W3 (2008) day 4
+0155... , W3 (2004) day 4, W5 (2004) day 1, W5 (2004) day 2, W4 (2004) day 3, W4 (2004) day 4, W1 (2005) day 1, W2 (2005) day 1, W3 (2005) day 1, W1 (2007) day 3, W3 (2007) day 1
-1172... , W2 (2007) day 2, W2 (2007) day 3, W2 (2007) day 4, W1 (2008) day 1, W1 (2008) day 2, W1 (2008) day 3, W1 (2008) day 4, W2 (2008) day 2, W2 (2008) day 3, W2 (2008) day 4
-35W2 (1979) day 2, W2 (1993) day 1, W3 (2006) day 1, W1 (2007) day 1, W2 (2008) day 1
-51W2 (1993) day 2

Pembroke stats for May Bumps, Women, across 37 years: 1985 to 2023


161997, 1998, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010
242010, 2011, 2012, 2013
342009, 2010, 2011, 2012
432008, 2011, 2012

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
112412 days from 1997 to 2010
21844 days from 2010 to 2011
34011 days from 2013 to 2013
46011 days from 2008 to 2008
57622 days from 2006 to 2006

Blades awarded: 21

W1 (1986), W1 (1988), W2 (1988), W1 (1989), W1 (1991), W1 (1997), W1 (1998), W2 (2001), W4 (2002), W2 (2003), W3 (2003), W1 (2006), W2 (2007), W4 (2007), W1 (2008), W3 (2008), W1 (2009), W3 (2009), W1 (2010), W1 (2019), W3 (2022)

Number of crews:

472002, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2018, 2019
315... , 2005, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2022, 2023
214... , 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000

Each set outcome:

+53W2 (1987), W4 (2007), W3 (2008)
+414... , W1 (1989), W1 (1991), W2 (2001), W4 (2002), W2 (2003), W3 (2003), W2 (2007), W3 (2009), W1 (2019), W3 (2022)
+318... , W3 (2007), W2 (2008), W4 (2008), W3 (2012), W2 (2015), W3 (2016), W1 (2018), W3 (2018), W1 (2022), W2 (2023)
+28W2 (1990), W1 (1993), W1 (1996), W2 (1998), W2 (2005), W4 (2006), W2 (2010), W4 (2011)
+112... , W3 (2002), W1 (2005), W1 (2006), W5 (2006), W1 (2008), W2 (2009), W1 (2015), W2 (2017), W4 (2018), W2 (2022)
+013... , W2 (1994), W2 (1997), W1 (1998), W1 (2001), W1 (2004), W1 (2009), W1 (2010), W3 (2010), W3 (2011), W2 (2013)
-112... , W2 (1995), W1 (2000), W2 (2000), W3 (2001), W1 (2002), W3 (2006), W1 (2007), W1 (2011), W3 (2015), W1 (2016)
-28W2 (1999), W3 (2004), W2 (2006), W2 (2011), W1 (2012), W2 (2012), W4 (2012), W1 (2017)
-39W3 (1987), W2 (1991), W1 (1992), W2 (1996), W1 (1999), W2 (2016), W2 (2018), W3 (2019), W1 (2023)
-46W1 (2013), W1 (2014), W3 (2014), W2 (2019), W4 (2019), W3 (2023)
-51W3 (2017)
-62W3 (2013), W2 (2014)

Each day outcome:

+31W2 (1987) day 1
+23W2 (1986) day 3, W4 (2007) day 1, W3 (2008) day 2
+1160... , W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W3 (2022) day 1, W3 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 3, W3 (2022) day 4, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4
+0159... , W4 (2018) day 2, W3 (2019) day 2, W4 (2019) day 1, W4 (2019) day 2, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 1
-197... , W3 (2019) day 1, W3 (2019) day 3, W3 (2019) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 4, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 3, W3 (2023) day 4
-32W2 (2014) day 1, W3 (2017) day 1
-41W3 (2013) day 2
-51W4 (2019) day 3

St Catharine's stats for May Bumps, Women, across 42 years: 1980 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1311 days from 1989 to 1989
23222 days from 1990 to 1990
35111 days from 1991 to 1991
46511 days from 2018 to 2018

Blades awarded: 7

W1 (1986), W1 (2002), W2 (2005), W1 (2009), W3 (2017), W4 (2018), W1 (2023)

Number of crews:

421987, 2018
314... , 1993, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023
224... , 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
121980, 1981

Each set outcome:

+61W3 (2017)
+52W1 (1983), W2 (1987)
+47W1 (1986), W2 (1993), W1 (2002), W2 (2005), W1 (2009), W4 (2018), W1 (2023)
+319... , W1 (1997), W1 (2001), W2 (2004), W1 (2007), W2 (2010), W2 (2011), W2 (2017), W1 (2018), W2 (2018), W3 (2018)
+29W2 (1990), W2 (1992), W1 (1999), W3 (2001), W2 (2002), W1 (2010), W2 (2012), W1 (2013), W2 (2013)
+15W2 (1997), W2 (2001), W2 (2003), W1 (2019), W1 (2022)
+09W1 (1981), W1 (1990), W3 (1997), W2 (1998), W3 (1998), W1 (2000), W1 (2006), W1 (2012), W2 (2022)
-18W3 (1993), W2 (1994), W2 (2009), W1 (2011), W1 (2016), W1 (2017), W2 (2019), W2 (2023)
-27W1 (1984), W2 (1986), W4 (1987), W1 (1995), W1 (2004), W1 (2014), W3 (2019)
-315... , W3 (1989), W3 (1991), W1 (1996), W1 (1998), W2 (1999), W3 (2005), W1 (2015), W2 (2015), W2 (2016), W3 (2023)
-414... , W2 (1991), W2 (1995), W2 (1996), W2 (2000), W3 (2002), W1 (2005), W2 (2007), W1 (2008), W2 (2014), W3 (2022)
-53W1 (1992), W1 (2003), W2 (2006)
-71W2 (2008)

Each day outcome:

+36W1 (1983) day 1, W2 (1985) day 1, W2 (1986) day 3, W2 (1987) day 2, W2 (1993) day 3, W3 (2017) day 1
+21W2 (1990) day 3
+1129... , W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 2, W3 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4
+0114... , W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4, W3 (2023) day 3
-1142... , W1 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 4, W3 (2022) day 1, W3 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 3, W3 (2022) day 4, W2 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 4
-36W3 (1991) day 3, W1 (1992) day 1, W2 (1999) day 1, W1 (2003) day 4, W2 (2006) day 2, W2 (2016) day 4
-52W2 (1986) day 1, W2 (2008) day 2

Christ's stats for May Bumps, Women, across 42 years: 1980 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1355 days from 2010 to 2011
23222 days from 1987 to 1987
34811 days from 1984 to 1984
46011 days from 1984 to 1984

Blades awarded: 16

W1 (1983), W2 (1983), W1 (1984), W2 (1984), W2 (1985), W2 (2004), W1 (2005), W2 (2008), W1 (2009), W2 (2009), W1 (2010), W2 (2010), W3 (2010), W3 (2012), W3 (2015), W1 (2022)

Number of crews:

317... , 1991, 1992, 1993, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
221... , 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023
131980, 1981, 2000

Each set outcome:

+81W2 (1993)
+72W1 (1983), W2 (1983)
+62W2 (2010), W3 (2010)
+52W2 (2009), W3 (2012)
+410W1 (1984), W2 (1984), W2 (1985), W2 (2004), W1 (2005), W2 (2008), W1 (2009), W1 (2010), W3 (2015), W1 (2022)
+310W1 (1982), W3 (1984), W1 (1986), W3 (1992), W1 (1993), W1 (2008), W2 (2011), W3 (2011), W1 (2015), W1 (2017)
+28W3 (1982), W1 (1995), W1 (1997), W1 (1999), W1 (2002), W2 (2007), W2 (2012), W2 (2013)
+115... , W3 (1991), W1 (1992), W2 (1995), W1 (1996), W1 (1998), W1 (2000), W1 (2007), W3 (2014), W2 (2015), W2 (2023)
+06W1 (1988), W2 (1989), W3 (1989), W1 (1990), W2 (2006), W1 (2011)
-19W1 (1981), W2 (1990), W2 (1994), W2 (2001), W2 (2002), W1 (2004), W2 (2005), W1 (2014), W1 (2019)
-25W1 (1980), W3 (1993), W1 (1994), W1 (2001), W1 (2013)
-311... , W3 (1985), W1 (1987), W2 (1991), W2 (1992), W2 (1997), W1 (2003), W2 (2003), W2 (2014), W3 (2016), W2 (2022)
-418... , W1 (2006), W1 (2012), W1 (2016), W2 (2016), W2 (2017), W3 (2017), W1 (2018), W2 (2018), W2 (2019), W1 (2023)
-61W3 (1986)

Each day outcome:

+61W2 (1993) day 2
+41W1 (1983) day 4
+33W2 (1983) day 1, W2 (2010) day 3, W3 (2010) day 4
+24W2 (1983) day 4, W2 (2009) day 1, W3 (2012) day 4, W2 (2013) day 3
+1136... , W3 (2015) day 4, W1 (2017) day 2, W1 (2017) day 3, W1 (2017) day 4, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2
+0109... , W2 (2015) day 1, W2 (2015) day 2, W2 (2015) day 3, W3 (2016) day 1, W1 (2017) day 1, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4, W2 (2022) day 4, W2 (2023) day 3
-1145... , W2 (2019) day 3, W2 (2019) day 4, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 4
-31W3 (1986) day 2

Sidney Sussex stats for May Bumps, Women, across 45 years: 1977 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1922 days from 1993 to 1993
23033 days from 1978 to 1979
35411 days from 1983 to 1983

Blades awarded: 11

W1 (1982), W3 (1983), W1 (1989), W1 (1991), W2 (1991), W2 (1992), W3 (2009), W2 (2010), W1 (2011), W1 (2022), W1 (2023)

Number of crews:

3101983, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1992, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012
231... , 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023
141977, 1980, 1990, 2006

Each set outcome:

+111W3 (2009)
+71W2 (1992)
+411... , W3 (1983), W1 (1989), W1 (1991), W2 (1991), W2 (2008), W2 (2010), W1 (2011), W1 (2022), W1 (2023), W2 (2023)
+38W2 (1981), W2 (1999), W2 (2000), W2 (2009), W1 (2010), W2 (2011), W1 (2018), W2 (2022)
+215... , W3 (1989), W1 (1992), W1 (1993), W2 (1993), W1 (2001), W2 (2001), W2 (2002), W1 (2008), W1 (2009), W2 (2018)
+110W1 (1978), W1 (1979), W1 (1980), W2 (1988), W1 (1990), W1 (1996), W3 (2005), W1 (2007), W2 (2007), W2 (2014)
+012... , W3 (1991), W3 (1992), W1 (2003), W2 (2003), W1 (2012), W2 (2012), W3 (2012), W1 (2017), W1 (2019), W2 (2019)
-16W2 (1986), W1 (1988), W2 (1995), W1 (2000), W1 (2004), W2 (2004)
-27W1 (1981), W1 (1997), W1 (2002), W3 (2008), W1 (2013), W2 (2013), W1 (2015)
-313... , W2 (1985), W1 (1986), W3 (1986), W1 (1994), W1 (1995), W2 (1996), W2 (1997), W1 (2006), W1 (2014), W1 (2016)
-49W1 (1987), W2 (1994), W1 (1998), W1 (1999), W1 (2005), W2 (2005), W3 (2010), W2 (2015), W2 (2016)
-62W2 (1984), W2 (1998)
-71W2 (2017)

Each day outcome:

+51W3 (2009) day 4
+42W2 (1992) day 4, W3 (2009) day 2
+23W2 (2002) day 2, W2 (2008) day 4, W2 (2023) day 4
+1134... , W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3
+0112... , W2 (2018) day 1, W2 (2018) day 4, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 3, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2023) day 1
-1128... , W1 (2016) day 3, W2 (2016) day 1, W2 (2016) day 2, W2 (2016) day 3, W2 (2016) day 4, W1 (2017) day 1, W2 (2017) day 2, W2 (2017) day 3, W2 (2017) day 4, W2 (2019) day 2
-33W2 (1984) day 1, W2 (1989) day 4, W2 (1998) day 2
-41W2 (2017) day 1

Selwyn stats for May Bumps, Women, across 45 years: 1977 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1666 days from 1979 to 1980
21622 days from 1981 to 1981
33722 days from 1980 to 1980

Blades awarded: 5

W1 (1977), W2 (1977), W3 (1986), W1 (1998), W2 (2004)

Number of crews:

3101980, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 2004, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
229... , 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017
161994, 1995, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023

Each set outcome:

+52W2 (2008), W3 (2011)
+46W1 (1977), W2 (1977), W3 (1986), W2 (1996), W1 (1998), W2 (2004)
+313... , W1 (1990), W1 (1991), W1 (1992), W1 (1993), W2 (1993), W2 (2001), W2 (2006), W2 (2011), W2 (2014), W1 (2023)
+211... , W2 (1991), W2 (1997), W2 (1998), W1 (2001), W2 (2003), W1 (2005), W1 (2010), W1 (2011), W1 (2012), W1 (2022)
+110W2 (1978), W1 (1979), W2 (1985), W2 (1986), W1 (1996), W1 (1997), W1 (2009), W2 (2010), W2 (2012), W1 (2014)
+08W2 (1979), W1 (1985), W1 (1999), W1 (2002), W3 (2004), W2 (2007), W3 (2014), W1 (2019)
-111... , W1 (1984), W1 (1987), W1 (1988), W2 (1999), W2 (2002), W1 (2003), W1 (2004), W1 (2008), W2 (2009), W2 (2017)
-28W1 (1982), W2 (1982), W3 (1985), W2 (1990), W2 (1992), W3 (2012), W1 (2013), W1 (2015)
-316... , W3 (1987), W1 (1994), W1 (2000), W2 (2000), W2 (2005), W1 (2006), W2 (2013), W3 (2013), W2 (2015), W1 (2018)
-48W2 (1987), W3 (1988), W2 (1989), W1 (1995), W1 (2007), W1 (2016), W2 (2016), W1 (2017)
-61W2 (1983)

Each day outcome:

+33W2 (1996) day 4, W2 (2008) day 1, W3 (2011) day 1
+21W1 (1992) day 1
+1118... , W2 (2014) day 3, W2 (2014) day 4, W3 (2014) day 4, W2 (2017) day 4, W1 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4
+0123... , W1 (2015) day 1, W1 (2015) day 4, W2 (2015) day 2, W2 (2017) day 2, W1 (2018) day 1, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2023) day 1
-1128... , W1 (2017) day 1, W1 (2017) day 2, W1 (2017) day 3, W1 (2017) day 4, W2 (2017) day 1, W2 (2017) day 3, W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2018) day 3, W1 (2018) day 4, W1 (2019) day 2
-33W1 (1980) day 4, W2 (1983) day 1, W1 (1994) day 1

Downing stats for May Bumps, Women, across 41 years: 1981 to 2023


152011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
112312 days from 2011 to 2016
22922 days from 2019 to 2019
36033 days from 2002 to 2002

Blades awarded: 17

W1 (1982), W2 (1986), W1 (1987), W1 (1988), W1 (1989), W2 (1997), W2 (1998), W2 (1999), W2 (2000), W1 (2002), W2 (2007), W1 (2009), W1 (2011), W1 (2012), W1 (2014), W1 (2015), W1 (2016)

Number of crews:

312... , 1987, 1988, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2019, 2022
223... , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2023
161981, 1982, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993

Each set outcome:

+81W1 (1982)
+62W2 (2002), W3 (2002)
+52W2 (1987), W2 (1998)
+411... , W2 (1986), W1 (1987), W1 (1988), W1 (1989), W2 (1997), W2 (1999), W2 (2000), W1 (2002), W2 (2007), W1 (2009)
+310W2 (1983), W2 (1988), W1 (1995), W2 (2001), W1 (2006), W2 (2008), W1 (2010), W2 (2012), W2 (2017), W3 (2019)
+27W3 (1985), W2 (1989), W1 (1994), W2 (1996), W1 (1997), W1 (2000), W1 (2008)
+110W2 (1985), W1 (1992), W2 (2006), W3 (2007), W1 (2011), W1 (2014), W2 (2015), W1 (2018), W2 (2018), W2 (2019)
+010W3 (1986), W1 (1990), W2 (1994), W1 (1999), W1 (2001), W1 (2003), W2 (2009), W1 (2012), W1 (2015), W1 (2016)
-110W1 (1984), W1 (1985), W1 (1986), W1 (1998), W2 (2003), W2 (2011), W1 (2013), W2 (2013), W2 (2016), W1 (2022)
-212... , W1 (1996), W3 (1999), W2 (2004), W2 (2005), W1 (2007), W2 (2010), W1 (2019), W3 (2022), W1 (2023), W2 (2023)
-35W3 (1987), W2 (1995), W3 (2000), W1 (2004), W2 (2014)
-47W2 (1984), W1 (1991), W1 (2005), W3 (2008), W3 (2009), W1 (2017), W2 (2022)
-61W3 (1988)

Each day outcome:

+52W1 (1982) day 2, W3 (2002) day 2
+41W2 (2002) day 3
+36W2 (1987) day 3, W1 (1994) day 1, W2 (2001) day 1, W2 (2006) day 2, W2 (2008) day 2, W1 (2010) day 1
+22W1 (1983) day 2, W2 (1998) day 4
+1113... , W2 (2017) day 2, W2 (2017) day 4, W1 (2018) day 2, W2 (2018) day 2, W2 (2018) day 3, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 2, W3 (2019) day 2, W3 (2019) day 3, W3 (2019) day 4
+0126... , W3 (2019) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W3 (2022) day 1, W3 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 3
-1101... , W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W3 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 4
-31W3 (1988) day 4

Fitzwilliam stats for May Bumps, Women, across 42 years: 1980 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1444 days from 1988 to 1989
24211 days from 1981 to 1981
36322 days from 1988 to 1988

Blades awarded: 10

W1 (1983), W2 (1984), W1 (1985), W1 (1991), W2 (1996), W1 (1997), W2 (1997), W2 (2004), W1 (2011), W1 (2017)

Number of crews:

361985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 2013, 2019
226... , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023
1101980, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003

Each set outcome:

+62W1 (1983), W2 (1984)
+410W1 (1985), W3 (1986), W1 (1991), W2 (1996), W1 (1997), W2 (1997), W2 (2004), W1 (2011), W1 (2016), W1 (2017)
+312... , W2 (1987), W1 (1994), W1 (2003), W1 (2004), W1 (2005), W2 (2005), W2 (2012), W2 (2013), W1 (2015), W1 (2022)
+27W1 (1980), W1 (1998), W1 (2007), W2 (2009), W1 (2012), W1 (2013), W1 (2019)
+16W1 (1982), W1 (1988), W3 (1988), W1 (1999), W3 (2013), W2 (2022)
+013... , W1 (1990), W1 (1993), W1 (1995), W2 (1998), W2 (2007), W2 (2008), W1 (2010), W2 (2011), W1 (2018), W2 (2019)
-13W2 (1985), W1 (1996), W2 (2015)
-25W1 (1989), W1 (1992), W2 (1995), W1 (2001), W2 (2014)
-39W1 (1981), W3 (1985), W2 (1986), W2 (1999), W1 (2002), W1 (2009), W2 (2010), W1 (2014), W1 (2023)
-413... , W2 (1989), W1 (2000), W1 (2006), W2 (2006), W1 (2008), W2 (2016), W2 (2017), W2 (2018), W3 (2019), W2 (2023)

Each day outcome:

+32W1 (1983) day 2, W2 (1984) day 1
+23W1 (1980) day 2, W3 (1986) day 1, W1 (2016) day 3
+1119... , W1 (2017) day 4, W1 (2018) day 3, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 4, W2 (2019) day 3, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 2
+087... , W1 (2016) day 4, W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2018) day 4, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 2, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 1
-1106... , W3 (2019) day 3, W3 (2019) day 4, W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4
-33W2 (1983) day 1, W1 (2002) day 4, W2 (2006) day 1

Darwin stats for May Bumps, Women, across 43 years: 1976 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11011 days from 1976 to 1976
22443 days from 1978 to 1979
36231 days from 2001 to 2001

Blades awarded: 8

W1 (1982), W1 (1986), W2 (1986), W1 (1996), W1 (1998), W2 (1999), W2 (2006), W2 (2014)

Number of crews:

351998, 2000, 2001, 2018, 2019
225... , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2022, 2023
113... , 1984, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2013

Each set outcome:

+91W1 (1998)
+63W1 (1986), W2 (1986), W2 (1999)
+45W1 (1982), W1 (1996), W1 (2001), W2 (2006), W2 (2014)
+314... , W2 (2002), W1 (2003), W1 (2008), W1 (2012), W1 (2013), W1 (2014), W2 (2015), W2 (2017), W1 (2018), W2 (2018)
+29W2 (1978), W1 (1983), W1 (1991), W2 (1998), W1 (1999), W1 (2000), W1 (2004), W2 (2005), W1 (2017)
+18W1 (1977), W1 (1994), W2 (1996), W3 (1998), W2 (2000), W2 (2001), W3 (2001), W1 (2019)
+05W2 (1979), W3 (2000), W1 (2002), W2 (2003), W1 (2006)
-14W1 (1987), W2 (2004), W2 (2007), W3 (2018)
-25W1 (1976), W1 (2007), W1 (2009), W1 (2016), W2 (2019)
-38W1 (1979), W1 (1993), W2 (2008), W2 (2011), W1 (2015), W2 (2016), W1 (2022), W2 (2022)
-416... , W1 (1995), W1 (2005), W2 (2009), W1 (2010), W2 (2010), W1 (2011), W2 (2012), W3 (2019), W1 (2023), W2 (2023)

Each day outcome:

+41W1 (1998) day 2
+36W2 (1978) day 1, W1 (1986) day 1, W2 (1986) day 1, W1 (1998) day 1, W2 (1999) day 2, W1 (2001) day 1
+21W1 (2004) day 1
+1108... , W2 (2017) day 3, W2 (2017) day 4, W1 (2018) day 1, W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2018) day 4, W2 (2018) day 1, W2 (2018) day 2, W2 (2018) day 4, W3 (2018) day 3, W1 (2019) day 1
+083... , W1 (2018) day 3, W2 (2018) day 3, W3 (2018) day 2, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 1
-1111... , W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4
-31W1 (1978) day 1
-51W2 (2016) day 2

Robinson stats for May Bumps, Women, across 41 years: 1981 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11311 days from 2000 to 2000
24711 days from 1990 to 1990
36311 days from 1983 to 1983

Blades awarded: 8

W2 (1985), W1 (1988), W1 (1989), W2 (1992), W1 (1997), W1 (1998), W2 (2010), W1 (2016)

Number of crews:

321983, 1988
227... , 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2019
112... , 1984, 1991, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023

Each set outcome:

+81W2 (1992)
+61W2 (1985)
+51W1 (1981)
+48W1 (1988), W1 (1989), W2 (1996), W1 (1997), W1 (1998), W2 (2002), W2 (2010), W1 (2016)
+38W3 (1983), W1 (1992), W2 (1997), W1 (2000), W2 (2001), W1 (2007), W1 (2008), W1 (2010)
+25W1 (1984), W2 (1988), W1 (1996), W1 (2012), W1 (2019)
+15W2 (1983), W2 (1986), W2 (1998), W1 (1999), W1 (2015)
+06W3 (1988), W1 (1990), W1 (2009), W2 (2009), W2 (2019), W1 (2023)
-15W2 (1994), W2 (1999), W1 (2004), W2 (2012), W1 (2022)
-24W2 (1987), W1 (2003), W2 (2003), W1 (2014)
-310W1 (1985), W1 (1987), W1 (1991), W2 (1995), W2 (2000), W2 (2005), W1 (2006), W2 (2006), W2 (2007), W2 (2008)
-415... , W1 (1995), W1 (2001), W1 (2002), W2 (2004), W1 (2005), W1 (2011), W1 (2013), W2 (2013), W1 (2017), W1 (2018)
-51W1 (1982)
-71W1 (1983)
-101W2 (1993)

Each day outcome:

+51W2 (1992) day 1
+35W1 (1981) day 1, W1 (1984) day 2, W2 (1985) day 1, W2 (1996) day 2, W2 (2002) day 4
+22W1 (1992) day 3, W2 (2002) day 1
+185... , W1 (2015) day 1, W1 (2016) day 1, W1 (2016) day 2, W1 (2016) day 3, W1 (2016) day 4, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 3, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2023) day 4
+071... , W1 (2015) day 2, W1 (2015) day 3, W1 (2015) day 4, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4, W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 3
-1118... , W1 (2017) day 3, W1 (2017) day 4, W1 (2018) day 1, W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2018) day 3, W1 (2018) day 4, W2 (2019) day 1, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2
-32W2 (1993) day 2, W2 (2013) day 1
-54W1 (1982) day 2, W1 (1983) day 2, W1 (1987) day 4, W2 (1993) day 1

Magdalene stats for May Bumps, Women, across 33 years: 1989 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11033 days from 2005 to 2006
23622 days from 2010 to 2010
35911 days from 2010 to 2010

Blades awarded: 16

W1 (1991), W1 (1994), W2 (1994), W1 (1995), W2 (1996), W2 (2003), W1 (2004), W2 (2004), W3 (2004), W2 (2007), W3 (2007), W1 (2008), W2 (2009), W2 (2013), W1 (2016), W2 (2016)

Number of crews:

381992, 1998, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2016
222... , 2006, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023
131989, 1990, 2015

Each set outcome:

+91W1 (1991)
+71W2 (2013)
+61W2 (2003)
+53W3 (2004), W1 (2008), W1 (2016)
+411... , W2 (1994), W1 (1995), W2 (1996), W1 (2004), W2 (2004), W2 (2007), W3 (2007), W2 (2009), W2 (2016), W1 (2022)
+310W1 (1989), W2 (1991), W1 (1992), W1 (1998), W2 (2005), W3 (2009), W3 (2010), W1 (2015), W2 (2022), W2 (2023)
+210W2 (1992), W1 (1993), W1 (2002), W1 (2003), W1 (2005), W2 (2006), W1 (2009), W2 (2010), W1 (2011), W2 (2019)
+13W3 (1992), W2 (1995), W1 (2019)
+04W2 (1993), W1 (2001), W2 (2008), W1 (2023)
-13W1 (1996), W3 (2008), W3 (2016)
-23W1 (1990), W2 (1997), W1 (1999)
-39W1 (1997), W2 (1998), W3 (1998), W1 (2000), W1 (2006), W1 (2010), W1 (2012), W1 (2013), W1 (2014)
-410W2 (1999), W2 (2000), W2 (2001), W2 (2002), W2 (2012), W2 (2014), W1 (2017), W2 (2017), W1 (2018), W2 (2018)
-62W1 (2007), W2 (2011)

Each day outcome:

+42W1 (1991) day 2, W2 (2013) day 2
+33W1 (1991) day 1, W2 (1993) day 4, W2 (2003) day 2
+25W2 (1992) day 3, W3 (2004) day 4, W1 (2008) day 1, W1 (2016) day 1, W1 (2022) day 4
+1122... , W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4
+053... , W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 2, W1 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 2, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 2
-197... , W2 (2017) day 4, W1 (2018) day 1, W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2018) day 3, W1 (2018) day 4, W2 (2018) day 1, W2 (2018) day 2, W2 (2018) day 3, W2 (2018) day 4, W1 (2023) day 4
-32W1 (2007) day 1, W2 (2011) day 1

Corpus Christi stats for May Bumps, Women, across 38 years: 1984 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11955 days from 1996 to 1997
25111 days from 1994 to 1994
36011 days from 1991 to 1991

Blades awarded: 10

W1 (1985), W1 (1986), W2 (1987), W2 (1988), W2 (1993), W1 (2006), W1 (2007), W1 (2008), W1 (2016), W2 (2019)

Number of crews:

321987, 1991
215... , 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2006, 2007, 2019, 2022, 2023
121... , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

Each set outcome:

+61W1 (2016)
+49W1 (1985), W1 (1986), W2 (1987), W2 (1988), W2 (1993), W1 (2006), W1 (2007), W1 (2008), W2 (2019)
+34W2 (1986), W1 (1987), W1 (1993), W1 (2014)
+23W2 (1991), W1 (1994), W1 (2005)
+18W2 (1985), W1 (1988), W1 (1995), W1 (1996), W2 (2006), W1 (2015), W1 (2018), W1 (2022)
+04W1 (1991), W1 (2013), W1 (2019), W1 (2023)
-15W2 (1994), W1 (1997), W2 (1997), W1 (2009), W1 (2011)
-26W3 (1987), W1 (1990), W1 (1992), W2 (2007), W1 (2010), W2 (2023)
-36W1 (1984), W2 (1989), W2 (1992), W1 (1998), W1 (2001), W2 (2022)
-410W1 (1989), W3 (1991), W2 (1998), W1 (1999), W1 (2000), W1 (2002), W1 (2003), W1 (2004), W1 (2012), W1 (2017)
-71W2 (1995)

Each day outcome:

+31W1 (2016) day 1
+174... , W1 (2018) day 1, W1 (2018) day 4, W1 (2019) day 3, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 3, W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2
+066... , W1 (2015) day 1, W1 (2018) day 3, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 2, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4
-185... , W1 (2017) day 4, W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2
-32W2 (1995) day 2, W2 (1995) day 3

Wolfson stats for May Bumps, Women, across 48 years: 1974 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1511 days from 1974 to 1974
25611 days from 1993 to 1993

Blades awarded: 8

W2 (1993), W1 (1999), W1 (2011), W1 (2014), W2 (2016), W1 (2017), W1 (2018), W1 (2023)

Number of crews:

271985, 1993, 2000, 2004, 2016, 2018, 2023
141... , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022

Each set outcome:

+71W2 (2016)
+61W1 (2000)
+47W2 (1993), W1 (1999), W1 (2011), W1 (2014), W1 (2017), W1 (2018), W1 (2023)
+34W1 (1974), W1 (1987), W1 (1995), W1 (1997)
+22W1 (1976), W1 (2013)
+16W1 (1993), W1 (2002), W1 (2003), W1 (2006), W1 (2012), W1 (2016)
+04W1 (1989), W2 (2000), W1 (2004), W2 (2023)
-13W1 (1978), W2 (1985), W1 (2001)
-26W1 (1991), W2 (2004), W1 (2005), W1 (2009), W1 (2010), W2 (2018)
-39W1 (1977), W1 (1986), W1 (1990), W1 (1992), W1 (1994), W1 (1996), W1 (2007), W1 (2019), W1 (2022)
-410W1 (1975), W1 (1979), W1 (1980), W1 (1981), W1 (1982), W1 (1984), W1 (1988), W1 (1998), W1 (2008), W1 (2015)
-62W1 (1983), W1 (1985)

Each day outcome:

+51W1 (1987) day 4
+42W1 (2000) day 1, W2 (2016) day 1
+31W1 (1989) day 4
+164... , W1 (2017) day 4, W1 (2018) day 1, W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2018) day 3, W1 (2018) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 2
+049... , W1 (2012) day 3, W1 (2013) day 3, W1 (2013) day 4, W1 (2016) day 2, W2 (2018) day 1, W2 (2018) day 4, W1 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 2, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 3
-199... , W1 (2016) day 1, W2 (2018) day 2, W2 (2018) day 3, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2023) day 4
-34W1 (1983) day 4, W1 (1985) day 1, W1 (1998) day 1, W1 (1998) day 3

Peterhouse stats for May Bumps, Women, across 36 years: 1986 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11111 days from 2017 to 2017
25521 days from 2013 to 2013
37322 days from 2022 to 2022

Blades awarded: 11

W1 (1988), W1 (1989), W1 (1991), W1 (1994), W2 (1995), W1 (1998), W1 (2001), W1 (2007), W1 (2013), W1 (2017), W2 (2022)

Number of crews:

322022, 2023
212... , 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
122... , 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Each set outcome:

+71W1 (1986)
+51W2 (2022)
+410W1 (1988), W1 (1989), W1 (1991), W1 (1994), W2 (1995), W1 (1998), W1 (2001), W1 (2007), W1 (2013), W1 (2017)
+38W2 (1989), W1 (1995), W2 (2001), W1 (2002), W2 (2008), W1 (2011), W2 (2011), W2 (2012)
+23W1 (1996), W1 (2006), W2 (2023)
+14W2 (2010), W1 (2012), W3 (2022), W1 (2023)
+07W1 (1992), W1 (1999), W1 (2000), W1 (2008), W1 (2014), W1 (2016), W1 (2022)
-15W1 (1990), W2 (2002), W2 (2004), W1 (2009), W2 (2013)
-23W1 (2005), W1 (2010), W1 (2015)
-32W1 (1987), W1 (2003)
-46W1 (1997), W1 (2004), W2 (2014), W1 (2018), W1 (2019), W3 (2023)
-62W1 (1993), W2 (2005)

Each day outcome:

+91W1 (1986) day 3
+21W2 (2022) day 2
+188... , W1 (2017) day 4, W1 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W3 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4
+056... , W1 (2016) day 1, W1 (2016) day 3, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 3, W3 (2022) day 1, W3 (2022) day 2, W3 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2
-160... , W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 3, W3 (2023) day 4
-32W1 (1993) day 3, W2 (2005) day 1

King's stats for May Bumps, Women, across 26 years: 1996 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11411 days from 2006 to 2006
24922 days from 2018 to 2018
36211 days from 2013 to 2013

Blades awarded: 2

W1 (2001), W1 (2023)

Number of crews:

222... , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023
131996, 1997, 2014

Each set outcome:

+44W1 (2001), W1 (2005), W1 (2015), W1 (2023)
+38W1 (1997), W2 (1998), W2 (2001), W1 (2004), W1 (2006), W2 (2013), W2 (2015), W2 (2016)
+24W1 (2000), W2 (2012), W3 (2013), W1 (2018)
+19W2 (1999), W2 (2000), W2 (2002), W1 (2008), W2 (2008), W1 (2010), W1 (2012), W2 (2017), W1 (2019)
+05W1 (2002), W1 (2003), W2 (2005), W2 (2010), W1 (2013)
-11W2 (2011)
-26W1 (1999), W1 (2009), W1 (2011), W1 (2014), W1 (2017), W1 (2022)
-39W1 (1996), W1 (1998), W2 (2003), W1 (2007), W2 (2007), W1 (2016), W2 (2018), W2 (2022), W2 (2023)
-43W2 (2004), W2 (2009), W2 (2019)
-51W2 (2006)

Each day outcome:

+22W1 (2005) day 4, W1 (2015) day 3
+166... , W2 (2016) day 4, W2 (2017) day 2, W1 (2018) day 3, W1 (2018) day 4, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4
+068... , W2 (2017) day 3, W2 (2017) day 4, W1 (2018) day 1, W1 (2018) day 2, W2 (2018) day 2, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2023) day 4
-161... , W2 (2019) day 3, W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3
-33W2 (2006) day 2, W2 (2009) day 2, W2 (2010) day 4

CCAT stats for May Bumps, Women, across 25 years: 1983 to 2008

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11722 days from 2002 to 2002
24422 days from 2000 to 2000
35711 days from 1996 to 1996

Blades awarded: 5

W1 (1994), W2 (1994), W1 (1995), W1 (1998), W2 (2003)

Number of crews:

381994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008
291987, 1989, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005
181983, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993

Each set outcome:

+81W1 (1983)
+52W2 (1995), W2 (2003)
+44W1 (1994), W2 (1994), W1 (1995), W1 (1998)
+310W2 (1989), W1 (1990), W1 (1996), W2 (1996), W2 (1997), W1 (1999), W1 (2000), W2 (2005), W1 (2007), W2 (2007)
+26W2 (1987), W1 (1992), W1 (1993), W1 (2002), W1 (2006), W3 (2006)
+17W3 (1995), W3 (1996), W1 (1997), W2 (1999), W3 (2003), W3 (2007), W3 (2008)
+01W1 (2005)
-15W1 (1984), W1 (1988), W2 (2000), W1 (2001), W2 (2006)
-26W1 (1989), W1 (1991), W3 (1994), W2 (1998), W2 (2004), W2 (2008)
-32W3 (1997), W2 (2002)
-46W1 (1985), W1 (1987), W2 (2001), W1 (2003), W1 (2004), W1 (2008)

Each day outcome:

+51W1 (1983) day 2
+35W1 (1983) day 4, W2 (1995) day 1, W3 (1996) day 1, W1 (2000) day 4, W1 (2007) day 1
+22W2 (1996) day 2, W2 (2003) day 3
+178... , W3 (2006) day 3, W3 (2006) day 4, W1 (2007) day 4, W2 (2007) day 2, W2 (2007) day 3, W2 (2007) day 4, W3 (2007) day 2, W3 (2007) day 3, W3 (2008) day 2, W3 (2008) day 4
+054... , W2 (2006) day 3, W2 (2006) day 4, W3 (2006) day 1, W3 (2006) day 2, W1 (2007) day 3, W2 (2007) day 1, W3 (2007) day 4, W2 (2008) day 1, W2 (2008) day 4, W3 (2008) day 1
-157... , W2 (2006) day 2, W1 (2007) day 2, W3 (2007) day 1, W1 (2008) day 1, W1 (2008) day 2, W1 (2008) day 3, W1 (2008) day 4, W2 (2008) day 2, W2 (2008) day 3, W3 (2008) day 3
-33W1 (1984) day 4, W1 (1987) day 3, W2 (2002) day 4

QMABC stats for May Bumps, Women, across 21 years: 1975 to 1995

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1321 days from 1977 to 1977
21033 days from 1976 to 1977
32911 days from 1978 to 1978
47911 days from 1988 to 1988

Blades awarded: 3

W2 (1976), W3 (1988), W3 (1989)

Number of crews:

321978, 1989
211... , 1976, 1977, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992
171979, 1980, 1981, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995

Each set outcome:

+52W2 (1976), W2 (1983)
+43W3 (1988), W4 (1988), W3 (1989)
+31W2 (1989)
+24W1 (1977), W1 (1982), W1 (1988), W1 (1994)
+14W1 (1975), W1 (1976), W2 (1987), W2 (1988)
+03W1 (1981), W1 (1990), W2 (1991)
-14W2 (1982), W1 (1989), W1 (1991), W2 (1992)
-26W2 (1977), W1 (1978), W2 (1978), W1 (1980), W1 (1992), W1 (1993)
-33W1 (1984), W2 (1986), W1 (1995)
-46W2 (1975), W3 (1978), W1 (1979), W1 (1985), W1 (1986), W1 (1987)
-51W1 (1983)
-61W2 (1984)
-81W2 (1985)

Each day outcome:

+32W2 (1983) day 2, W4 (1988) day 4
+21W2 (1976) day 4
+140... , W2 (1989) day 4, W3 (1989) day 1, W3 (1989) day 2, W3 (1989) day 3, W3 (1989) day 4, W1 (1991) day 1, W2 (1991) day 3, W2 (1991) day 4, W1 (1994) day 3, W1 (1994) day 4
+046... , W1 (1992) day 3, W1 (1992) day 4, W2 (1992) day 2, W2 (1992) day 3, W2 (1992) day 4, W1 (1993) day 1, W1 (1993) day 3, W1 (1994) day 1, W1 (1994) day 2, W1 (1995) day 1
-162... , W2 (1991) day 1, W2 (1991) day 2, W1 (1992) day 1, W1 (1992) day 2, W2 (1992) day 1, W1 (1993) day 2, W1 (1993) day 4, W1 (1995) day 2, W1 (1995) day 3, W1 (1995) day 4
-34W1 (1980) day 3, W1 (1983) day 1, W2 (1984) day 1, W2 (1984) day 3
-51W2 (1985) day 2

Murray Edwards stats for May Bumps, Women, across 13 years: 2009 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
11711 days from 2014 to 2014
23832 days from 2015 to 2016
35422 days from 2017 to 2017
47032 days from 2013 to 2013

Blades awarded: 3

W1 (2011), W2 (2011), W3 (2012)

Number of crews:

352012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
272009, 2010, 2011, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023

Each set outcome:

+43W1 (2011), W2 (2011), W3 (2012)
+37W1 (2010), W2 (2010), W1 (2012), W2 (2012), W2 (2013), W1 (2014), W2 (2014)
+24W3 (2013), W2 (2015), W3 (2016), W1 (2019)
+12W4 (2013), W3 (2014)
+05W1 (2013), W2 (2016), W1 (2017), W2 (2019), W2 (2022)
-13W1 (2009), W3 (2017), W1 (2023)
-35W1 (2015), W1 (2016), W2 (2017), W1 (2022), W2 (2023)
-44W2 (2009), W3 (2015), W1 (2018), W2 (2018)

Each day outcome:

+149... , W2 (2015) day 4, W2 (2016) day 3, W3 (2016) day 2, W3 (2016) day 3, W1 (2017) day 1, W3 (2017) day 1, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4, W2 (2019) day 1, W2 (2022) day 4
+043... , W1 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 3, W1 (2022) day 3, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 4
-140... , W2 (2018) day 4, W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 2, W1 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2, W2 (2023) day 3

Hughes Hall stats for May Bumps, Women, across 25 years: 1979 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
12111 days from 1979 to 1979
25911 days from 2012 to 2012
37222 days from 2023 to 2023

Blades awarded: 3

W1 (2001), W1 (2005), W2 (2023)

Number of crews:

232011, 2012, 2022
121... , 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2018, 2019

Each set outcome:

+51W2 (2023)
+42W1 (2001), W1 (2005)
+33W1 (2006), W1 (2018), W1 (2023)
+23W2 (2011), W2 (2022), W3 (2023)
+13W1 (2000), W1 (2011), W1 (2022)
+01W1 (1999)
-26W1 (1980), W1 (1997), W1 (2003), W1 (2012), W2 (2012), W1 (2019)
-34W1 (1979), W1 (1993), W1 (1995), W1 (2004)
-45W1 (1981), W1 (1982), W1 (1988), W1 (1994), W1 (1996)
-61W1 (1987)
-81W1 (1984)

Each day outcome:

+21W2 (2023) day 2
+133... , W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4, W3 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 3
+030... , W1 (2012) day 3, W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 1, W3 (2023) day 2, W3 (2023) day 4
-154... , W1 (2004) day 3, W1 (2011) day 3, W1 (2012) day 1, W1 (2012) day 4, W2 (2012) day 1, W2 (2012) day 2, W2 (2012) day 3, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4
-31W1 (1987) day 2
-51W1 (1984) day 4

Addenbrooke's stats for May Bumps, Women, across 28 years: 1977 to 2011

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1811 days from 1979 to 1979
22922 days from 1979 to 1979

Blades awarded: 3

W1 (1978), W1 (1979), W2 (1986)

Number of crews:

221979, 1986
126... , 1997, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011

Each set outcome:

+43W1 (1978), W1 (1979), W2 (1986)
+34W2 (1979), W1 (1986), W1 (1993), W1 (2003)
+12W1 (1984), W1 (1987)
+03W1 (1990), W1 (1991), W1 (1996)
-13W1 (1977), W1 (1982), W1 (2004)
-21W1 (1994)
-33W1 (2005), W1 (2006), W1 (2011)
-49W1 (1985), W1 (1988), W1 (1989), W1 (1992), W1 (1995), W1 (1997), W1 (1998), W1 (2008), W1 (2009)
-51W1 (2007)
-61W1 (1983)

Each day outcome:

+32W1 (1984) day 1, W1 (1996) day 1
+132... , W1 (1990) day 1, W1 (1991) day 1, W1 (1993) day 2, W1 (1993) day 3, W1 (1993) day 4, W1 (2003) day 1, W1 (2003) day 2, W1 (2003) day 3, W1 (2004) day 4, W1 (2006) day 3
+019... , W1 (1991) day 3, W1 (1993) day 1, W1 (1994) day 1, W1 (1994) day 4, W1 (2003) day 4, W1 (2004) day 3, W1 (2005) day 1, W1 (2006) day 1, W1 (2007) day 2, W1 (2011) day 4
-164... , W1 (2008) day 2, W1 (2008) day 3, W1 (2008) day 4, W1 (2009) day 1, W1 (2009) day 2, W1 (2009) day 3, W1 (2009) day 4, W1 (2011) day 1, W1 (2011) day 2, W1 (2011) day 3
-33W1 (1983) day 3, W1 (2006) day 4, W1 (2007) day 4

St Edmund's stats for May Bumps, Women, across 26 years: 1980 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
12311 days from 1980 to 1980
26311 days from 2019 to 2019

Blades awarded: 2

W1 (2015), W1 (2016)

Number of crews:

125... , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023

Each set outcome:

+71W1 (2008)
+61W2 (2019)
+51W1 (2004)
+43W1 (2007), W1 (2015), W1 (2016)
+32W1 (1995), W1 (2017)
+22W1 (1992), W1 (2009)
+13W1 (1982), W1 (2005), W1 (2019)
+01W1 (2018)
-13W1 (1988), W1 (2006), W1 (2023)
-22W1 (1980), W1 (2022)
-32W1 (2002), W1 (2013)
-44W1 (1991), W1 (2000), W1 (2011), W1 (2012)
-52W1 (2003), W1 (2010)

Each day outcome:

+61W2 (2019) day 3
+51W1 (2008) day 2
+31W1 (2004) day 4
+21W1 (2007) day 4
+136... , W1 (2016) day 2, W1 (2016) day 3, W1 (2016) day 4, W1 (2017) day 1, W1 (2017) day 2, W1 (2017) day 4, W1 (2018) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3, W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 4
+024... , W1 (2017) day 3, W1 (2018) day 1, W1 (2018) day 3, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 4, W2 (2019) day 2, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 4
-142... , W1 (2012) day 4, W1 (2013) day 2, W1 (2013) day 3, W1 (2013) day 4, W1 (2018) day 4, W2 (2019) day 1, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2023) day 3
-32W1 (2003) day 2, W1 (2010) day 3

Clare Hall stats for May Bumps, Women, across 19 years: 1998 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
14422 days from 2005 to 2005
27611 days from 2008 to 2008

Blades awarded: 4

W1 (2008), W1 (2009), W1 (2010), W1 (2016)

Number of crews:

118... , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2022, 2023

Each set outcome:

+61W1 (2016)
+43W1 (2008), W1 (2009), W1 (2010)
+32W1 (2003), W1 (2019)
+21W1 (2011)
+14W1 (1999), W1 (2000), W1 (2004), W1 (2015)
+01W1 (2005)
-12W2 (2008), W1 (2013)
-21W1 (2012)
-31W1 (2023)
-44W1 (1998), W1 (2006), W1 (2014), W1 (2022)

Each day outcome:

+31W1 (2016) day 4
+134... , W1 (2011) day 3, W1 (2013) day 2, W1 (2015) day 1, W1 (2015) day 4, W1 (2016) day 1, W1 (2016) day 2, W1 (2016) day 3, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3
+015... , W1 (2004) day 3, W1 (2005) day 1, W1 (2005) day 3, W2 (2008) day 2, W1 (2012) day 1, W1 (2012) day 4, W1 (2013) day 3, W1 (2015) day 2, W1 (2019) day 4, W1 (2023) day 4
-130... , W1 (2014) day 3, W1 (2014) day 4, W1 (2015) day 3, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3

Hughes/Lucy stats for May Bumps, Women, across 9 years: 2007 to 2017

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
12511 days from 2017 to 2017
24311 days from 2017 to 2017
35811 days from 2017 to 2017

Blades awarded: 4

W1 (2007), W1 (2008), W1 (2009), W2 (2017)

Number of crews:

322016, 2017
252009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015
122007, 2008

Each set outcome:

+61W2 (2017)
+44W1 (2007), W1 (2008), W1 (2009), W1 (2014)
+36W2 (2009), W2 (2014), W1 (2015), W1 (2016), W2 (2016), W3 (2017)
+23W1 (2010), W2 (2015), W1 (2017)
+01W2 (2010)
-11W3 (2016)
-31W1 (2013)
-41W2 (2013)

Each day outcome:

+41W3 (2017) day 1
+31W2 (2017) day 1
+21W1 (2014) day 3
+142... , W2 (2016) day 2, W2 (2016) day 3, W2 (2016) day 4, W1 (2017) day 2, W1 (2017) day 4, W2 (2017) day 2, W2 (2017) day 3, W2 (2017) day 4, W3 (2017) day 2, W3 (2017) day 4
+016... , W1 (2014) day 1, W2 (2014) day 2, W1 (2015) day 2, W1 (2016) day 1, W2 (2016) day 1, W3 (2016) day 1, W3 (2016) day 3, W3 (2016) day 4, W1 (2017) day 1, W1 (2017) day 3
-110W2 (2010) day 2, W1 (2013) day 1, W1 (2013) day 3, W1 (2013) day 4, W2 (2013) day 1, W2 (2013) day 2, W2 (2013) day 3, W2 (2013) day 4, W2 (2015) day 4, W3 (2016) day 2
-31W3 (2017) day 3

Vet School stats for May Bumps, Women, across 16 years: 1986 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
1422 days from 1990 to 1990

Blades awarded: 1

W1 (1987)

Number of crews:

116... , 1994, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2023

Each set outcome:

+41W1 (1987)
+34W1 (1986), W1 (2002), W1 (2006), W1 (2008)
+22W1 (2001), W1 (2007)
+11W1 (2003)
+02W1 (1990), W1 (2023)
-11W1 (1991)
-44W1 (1992), W1 (1993), W1 (1994), W1 (2005)
-61W1 (2004)

Each day outcome:

+21W1 (2006) day 2
+122... , W1 (2002) day 4, W1 (2003) day 3, W1 (2003) day 4, W1 (2006) day 1, W1 (2007) day 3, W1 (2007) day 4, W1 (2008) day 1, W1 (2008) day 2, W1 (2008) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1
+017... , W1 (2001) day 3, W1 (2002) day 2, W1 (2003) day 1, W1 (2006) day 3, W1 (2006) day 4, W1 (2007) day 1, W1 (2007) day 2, W1 (2008) day 3, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 4
-123... , W1 (1994) day 4, W1 (2003) day 2, W1 (2004) day 1, W1 (2004) day 3, W1 (2004) day 4, W1 (2005) day 1, W1 (2005) day 2, W1 (2005) day 3, W1 (2005) day 4, W1 (2023) day 3
-31W1 (2004) day 2

Anglia Ruskin stats for May Bumps, Women, across 9 years: 2009 to 2019

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
12222 days from 2010 to 2010
24811 days from 2009 to 2009

Blades awarded: 1

W1 (2014)

Number of crews:

222009, 2010
172011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019

Each set outcome:

+41W1 (2014)
+11W1 (2009)
-12W1 (2010), W2 (2010)
-21W1 (2017)
-33W2 (2009), W1 (2015), W1 (2019)
-43W1 (2011), W1 (2012), W1 (2016)

Each day outcome:

+17W1 (2009) day 1, W1 (2010) day 1, W2 (2010) day 1, W1 (2014) day 1, W1 (2014) day 2, W1 (2014) day 3, W1 (2014) day 4
+010W1 (2009) day 2, W1 (2009) day 3, W1 (2009) day 4, W2 (2009) day 4, W1 (2010) day 2, W2 (2010) day 2, W1 (2015) day 4, W1 (2017) day 1, W1 (2017) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4
-127... , W1 (2015) day 3, W1 (2016) day 1, W1 (2016) day 2, W1 (2016) day 3, W1 (2016) day 4, W1 (2017) day 2, W1 (2017) day 4, W1 (2019) day 1, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3

Lucy Cavendish stats for May Bumps, Women, across 7 years: 1981 to 2023

Highest position for each crew:

CrewHighest positionTotal daysLongest run
12222 days from 2022 to 2023
24722 days from 2022 to 2022

Blades awarded: 2

W2 (2019), W1 (2022)

Number of crews:

242018, 2019, 2022, 2023
131981, 1982, 1996

Each set outcome:

+42W2 (2019), W1 (2022)
+31W2 (2022)
+22W1 (2018), W2 (2018)
+01W1 (1996)
-21W2 (2023)
-32W1 (2019), W1 (2023)
-41W1 (1982)
-51W1 (1981)

Each day outcome:

+116... , W2 (2019) day 2, W2 (2019) day 3, W2 (2019) day 4, W1 (2022) day 1, W1 (2022) day 2, W1 (2022) day 3, W1 (2022) day 4, W2 (2022) day 1, W2 (2022) day 2, W2 (2022) day 3
+012... , W1 (1996) day 3, W1 (2018) day 1, W1 (2018) day 4, W2 (2018) day 1, W2 (2018) day 4, W1 (2019) day 1, W2 (2022) day 4, W1 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 3, W2 (2023) day 4
-115... , W1 (1982) day 4, W1 (1996) day 4, W1 (2019) day 2, W1 (2019) day 3, W1 (2019) day 4, W1 (2023) day 2, W1 (2023) day 3, W1 (2023) day 4, W2 (2023) day 1, W2 (2023) day 2
-31W1 (1981) day 1