bucket plane

[Picture of plane]

This plane was designed around early 1991, the same time as Old Faithfull. However I've never really used it, although it can fly very well. I think the reason is that you have to make a fold with no guidelines to fold from. However, it is easy to become reliable about this 'random' fold and the rewards are considerable. This plane can be made with varying amounts of lift - either a flat flyer, or a gentle glider. Enjoy.


Notes on the contruction

  1. Standard beginning. Use a piece of A4 paper (297mm*210mm) to make this plane, or a similarly proportioned size. Crease along the middle horizontal to start with.
  2. The same as for Plane No. 2; folding in again.
  3. There are two options for this type of fold from this position; this one is used by this plane and No. 4 and the other is used by Nos 2, 3 & 6. (You'll have to forgive the references to planes yet to be put on this home page - coming soon.)
  4. Fold in to make the next picture. You should be getting used to this fold by now...
  5. Now this is the 'random' fold, which determines how much lift the plane has. Generally, the distance shown wants to be somewhere between 25mm and 35mm. The plane I made to check the plans turned out to be 32mm, and it glides nicely and rises gently when thrown hard. The less this measurement is, the more lift the plane will have. Fold the vertical fold to intersect with the other two.
  6. Then fold in. I really can't get enough of this fold...
  7. Now fold to make the wings and flaps. Depending on the distance in step 5, you either fold the wings so that a bit sticks up above the fuselage (as shown in the picture above) or you fold these little bits down to the wing. Try and make the fuselage about 25mm deep, and the flaps about a third of the remaining wing - that's about 28mm - or just on the margins with the paper I'm using! Again, make these about 90 degree fold.

Notes on throwing

Depending on how much lift you've given this plane (step 5) throw with the appropriate amount of power to get the desired flight. (That sounds a bit glib really, but that's me for you). Generally I find that this design will invariable fly dead straight with no adjustment needed, although it depends on the quality of your folds, and whether you get a friend to sit on one wing, off centre. For some reason I refer to these sort of planes as 'bucket planes'; I'm not entirely sure why. This is similar in weight distribution and therefore performance to some of my friend Tim's planes.